Deep Yellow Limited (ASX:DYL) Thick Mineralisation Identified at Barking Gecko
OTCMKTS:DYLLF) is pleased to announce that the Phase 1 follow-up drill program, which comprises 14 holes for 3,500m at the Barking Gecko North prospect (EPL3669) commenced on 12 July 2021 anticipated to be completed mid-September.
Phase 2 will be a similar drilling program to follow once the results of Phase1 drilling are fully determined.
Barking Gecko is part of the Nova Joint Venture project (NJV) in Namibia, located within EPL 369. Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) completed its 39.5% earn-in obligation through expenditure of A$4.5M.
The parties now jointly contributing and the NJV equity holdings are listed in the link below .