considered it as value or more valuable than gold. it s been valued since the ashent times. it s covered in this. you can buy bowls, figurines. it s very, very cheap. it s beautiful. anything else. if you want, we can go in here. actually, i don t know this shop. i know others. they have turquoise, ruby s emeral emeralds. the country is famous in the news because they discovered the minerals in the mountains. they discovered. we are talking about them, again. we knew afghanistan had incredible mineral wealth. lithium, we don t see much. you see rubies and emeralds and turquoise. with all the stuff, could wanter insurgency and
times. the country is covered in lapis. you can buy bowls, figurines and huge statues and it is very, very cheap. anything else. if you want we can go in here. actually, i don t know this shop. i know some other shops. they have turquoise, rubies, emeralds. recently the country has been famous because they discovered all these minerals in the mountains, $1 trillion. discovered. we are talking about them. we knew that afghan had incredible mineral wealth. everything to lapis and lithium. lithium you don t see a lot, but you do see a lot of lapis. with the count insurgency, setting up governance the biggest shopping street and you want to talk about counterinsurgency theory.
copper, gold and enough lithium for afghanistan to become the saudi arabia of lithium. who knew we even needed such a thing? it s a big deal story, holy cow. just when you thought the war was going badly, a new reason to hang in there. look at all the mineral wealth in afghanistan. we cannot abandon afghanistan now. the thing is, this is not new. as lots of other journalists have noted today, the times describes how maps of afghanistan mineral deposits were with around since the 1970s. geologists did a new study three years ago, but the pentagon told the new york times no one connected the dots between the minerals and what it meant for afghanistan s economy until last year. that s what pentagon sources told the times. that doesn t appear to be true either. according to this u.s. geological press release from
afghanistan s economy until last year. that s what pentagon sources told the times, but that s not true either. according to this u.s. ge geological press release from 2007 afghanistan s mineral resources were a subject of the third annual matchmaking conference in washington, d.c. in 2007. so this isn t new, and this is not even one of those things where people hadn t connected the dots before. this is not to deny the potential for minerals to make a big difference to afghanistan, it s just it s no secret they have mineral wealth. nobody has figured out how to mine any of it, but folks have known it was there for a long time. anyone looking for a good news let s stay in afghanistan story is going to have to work harder than this. hey ! chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry ? chocolate ! chocolate it is ! yeah but i m new too.
2007 afghanistan s mineral resources were a subject of the third annual u.s. annual matchmaking conference in washington, d.c., in 2007. so this isn t new, and this is not even one of those things where people hadn t connected the dots before. this is not to deny the potential for minerals to make a big difference to afghanistan, it s just it s no secret they have major mineral wealth. nobody has figured out how to mine or monetize any of it, but folks have known it s there for a very long time. and anyone looking for a good news, let s stay in afghanistan story, is going to have to work harder than this.