we always have to be cognizant and not be afraid if we do see something to say something and not go after people who actually do say something. and who might be wrong. i think that s what keeps people from reporting things, they see something, say something. but if they do something that they get in trouble. this case is an example that these mind-sets exist. dana: thankfully the authorities were able to save the kids. jesse: hats off to law enforcement. they saved countless lives. not only the children for potential victims of school shootings. i can t believe this guy is the son of an imam who was an unindicted coconspirator in the 93 world trade center bombing. how many unindicted coconspirators have there been? it sounds like there is dozens. why are they unindicted and why do they keep popping up? these sons, uncles, everything. the family tree is poisoned.
to stop carnage. jillian: gianno also something that can be done that residents of chicago aren t waiting for change top down where you can help influence younger generations and change mind sets and understand that this is not okay in. yeah, of course there is, one of the things is we have to stop the culture of silence whereas you know that there s gang activity going on, whereas you know who the shooter was and you refuse to say anything. that s something that needs to happen because at this point and especially when i grew up in the city of chicago the violence impacted those that were actually involved in life, you in a gang or hung out with gang members, you could possibly be a target, however n this situation now you can be an infant and be a target and that s problematic on every level, that s why i say this is a national crisis and those who don t recognize it as that rob: one of them that
middle of the snow? well, the fellows had done it. and there are a lot of incredible programs out there for veterans to do expeditionary programming and none of them were focused on women. identifying that need, we decided that we were going to do it. ainsley: how did y all meet. through a mutual friend. you guys have similar mind sets and similar interests and we have same common goal of wanting to pay it forward and help other people so they linked us up. ainsley: that s great. i met you at building hope for heroes event and you lost your leg fighting for our country in a helicopter crash in afghanistan. tell the folks at home what you went through. it s been a long road. i joined at 17 years old. and as you said, on my last deployment my helicopter went down and as a result of it i sustained some pretty serious injury everything from trammatic brain injury and losing my leg. it was uphill battle.
daughters. they shot him 22 times with his own gun and bell shot him in the head at the end of this. rachel: we had one of the widows on yesterday on fox & friends. she said, you know, my daughter grew up without a dad because of this. so why how can he get out of jail? he shouldn t get out of jail. there is another family reiman that comes from brooklyn. harry reiman gunned down in 180. they have to go to the board next friday. they are in tears. they don t know what to do. his death left three girls and two boys. they grew up. there was no dad at their recitals or baptism or weddings, no dad there this guy is going to come out and walk the street rehabilitated this cold and psychopathic individual is rehabilitated? pete: what s the find set going in to release the guy. two mind sets. this is where the board acted inappropriately this is why we believe this board should be taken apart. fired.
to become a teacher. i want to teach. a police officer and a teacher have two different mind sets. a teacher wants to be there to support a student. however, a police officer has a total different mind set. so for me personally, i would not carry a gun. i think it also takes away from what you re doing as a teacher. a teacher has a million and one things to do. grading papers. calling parents. so the last thing you want to be is a correction officer trying to follow up on a teacher. i think about other casualties that will come behind that. so for me what do you mean by that? for me thinking about casualties as we ve had several moments within, you know, african-american community. we have other casualties in schools where teachers may have felt threatened and it wasn t a real threat. we had other things in school. so i wouldn t do it then. i also think about the person carrying a gun. if i m responsible going into a hallway to shoot a gun, a 6 1