The Indian duo Chirag Shetty and Satwiksairaj Rankireddy, who won the Badminton Asia Championship by defeating the Malaysian duo Ong Yew Sin-Teo Eo Yi in the fi
The Indian duo Chirag Shetty and Satwiksairaj Rankireddy, who won the Badminton Asia Championship by defeating the Malaysian duo Ong Yew Sin-Teo Eo Yi in the fi
DeFi Alliance Expands to the European Region
Last Updated: 21 April 2021
DeFi Alliance has announced plans to expand into the European region, termed the ‘European Chapter.’ This chapter will help in increasing its industry network.
DeFi Alliance, a global association for DeFi market professionals, has announced its unveiling of a European chapter. According to the alliance, their expansion into the European region will be headed by Meltem Demirors of Coinshare. She will also be supported by Min Teo of ConsenSys, Samuel Harrison of Ventures, etc.
Currently, this association has more than 100 affiliated companies in its network, and it is active in supporting more than 400 startups to accelerate their growth. The firm has been actively helping startups since 2020.