department is called the department of democracy network. department of democracy network- department of democracy network. ., ., network. the leader of the -a network. the leader of the party criticises network. the leader of the party criticises the - network. the leader of the party criticises the dpp, i network. the leader of the l party criticises the dpp, the president, for not maintaining a dialogue with china, even the americans, the us secretary of state anthony lincoln and the chinese foreign minister held talks on the sidelines of general assembly and talk for an hour and a half, why is your president not accepting to talk directly with the chinese? in” directly with the chinese? in i think international date address president tsai said clearly that as long as there is equitable terms for dialogue she is happy to have a conversation to keep the taiwan strait peaceful. but, i mean, she says she would only talk if beijing drops the precondition that taiwan is part of chin
these antibodies in the mind we are less vulnerable to misinformation. in terms of cyber attacks it has been pointed submarine cables is one of the vulnerabilities in taiwan because these connect us to the world, ukraine are investing 50 million us dollars over the next years to build more than 700 mobile or fixed satellite receivers for the satellite receivers for the satellite in orbit so we can still keep our line open to talk to our democratic allies around the world, even in the event of secret disruption to our submarine cables. the idea art of a our submarine cables. the idea part of a digital our submarine cables. the idea part of a digital strategy - our submarine cables. the idea part of a digital strategy is - part of a digital strategy is to keep information about taiwan flowing, as part of that ambition you propose a satellite trial programme to try to guarantee internet services across taiwan, given the current tensions with china, these talks are pretty urgent, they bet
support for taiwan, strong bipartisan strategy for the americans there. and president biden, it seems, has been abandoning american policy which has been called strategic ambiguity for many years, not spelling out what would happen from america s point of view if china did invade taiwan but now, he is saying that the us would get involved militarily if china invaded taiwan. he says yes, that s the commitment we made and when pressed in an interview on american tv whether that meant that american men and women would defend taiwan, he answered yes. so what is your interpretation now of us policy towards taiwan? it now of us policy towards taiwan? now of us policy towards taiwan? , ., , , ., taiwan? it is obviously to deter expansionism, i taiwan? it is obviously to deter expansionism, by l taiwan? it is obviously to i deter expansionism, by their other authoritarian regimes by making clear, as i mentioned, that the cost will be insurmountable if they even consider. insurmountable if the
taiwan we face earthquake military conflict? well, in - taiwan we face earthquake and typhoons all the time, it great don t give us a lot of advance notice either, so our role is to be resilient, meaning we prepare for adversity and recover from prepare for adversity and recoverfrom it, our readiness stands high at any given time. you soon you sound quite relaxed about it, the foreign minister say the chinese behaviour is provocative and threatening regional peace and stability. taiwan is the greatest of redlines in china isn t it? ~ ., ., isn t it? we are on the frontline isn t it? we are on the frontline because - isn t it? we are on the frontline because i - isn t it? we are on the frontline because i amj isn t it? we are on the - frontline because i am the digital minister i would think in the case we face cyber attacks every day. b5 in the case we face cyber attacks every day. as you say uuite attacks every day. as you say quite rightly attacks every day. as you say quite r
together. my own grandma is a local taiwanese who studied japanese and my grandpa comes from china so in my family, i understand the need to collaborate across diversity. today, taiwan is home to like 20 national languages and many different ethnic people so the point i m making is that democracy must build collaboration across diversity and that s the way we are employing these digital technologies to do. audrey tan i , technologies to do. audrey tang, minister technologies to do. audrey tang, minister for - technologies to do. audrey tang, minister for digital i tang, ministerfor digital affairs here in taiwan, thinking indeed for on hardtalk. thinking indeed for on hardtalk. ., ~ ., hardtalk. thank you. live long and prosper- hello there.