Milton Keynes’ bollards are back under the spotlight: After being criticised for being too narrow, the council finally has a solution, but ultra-cycling legend Steve Abraham is unsure if it’ll work…
Milton Keynes delivery cyclist and ultra-cycling legend Steve Abraham branded the bollards "an unhelpful waste of money" after his bike and trailer, supplied by the council, could not fit through
Great Linford Manor Park dredging scheme underway January 21, 2021, by Eldin Ganic
The ponds at Great Linford Manor Park have now been dredged, the Milton Keynes Parks Trust reports.
The Water Garden ponds, outside the Almshouses, had many decades of silt in them, which clearly evident from how much of it has been excavated and is now spread around their banks.
This had built up from the leaf litter dropping in from the trees overhead and made them very smelly in the summer months.
Back in February 2020, the Trust removed the self-seeded, overhanging trees to bring more light into the ponds and to allow them to restore their historic walls, which were being damaged by the tree roots.