Reparations for slavery. Listen as she describes a version of American History in which the civil war, reconstruction, the civil rights movement, the last 150 years never happened. The role of the federal government was supporting the institution of slavery, it must be formally acknowledged and addressed. I asked, why not, and why not now . God bless us as we pursue the final justice of those who lived in slavery. Tucker that very same federal government also lost more than 600,000 men fighting slavery. Its slightly more complicated than she presented today, nobody in the room was interested in hearing details. It quickly became a circus. Anyone who question reparations was booed and heckled. Its important that we know our history and we not punish people today for the sins of their predecessors in the Democratic Party. I just stated all facts and again we have people who are denying history. Tucker even black witnesses through that response when they dared question the concept of repa