Wonderful opportunity for those of us in the political arena to learn more about what is going on in terms of political research. I am a republican that ran for the first time in 1980, very much an anomaly. What i want to say about that is that i made friends and acquaintances, other people i have known for 30 years, they have been people i can call on i wanted to say thank you to everyone here. [applause] [inaudible] sorry to bring it up. There is a session following lunch. [inaudible] there is a session following lunch primarily for the students in the audience, but if you are desperate to talk to one of us [indiscernible] thank you very much. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2013] earlier this evening guests arrive for the annual Gridiron Club dinner. For the first time in history they allowed for a print reporter to attend and provide a description of the nights festivities. On the next washington journal, th