/PRNewswire/ Kimberly-Clark Professional™, a global leader in personal protective equipment (PPE) for industrial and scientific applications, has bestowed.
Monadnock Ledger-Transcript
Published: 12/16/2020 9:43:00 AM
MilliporeSigma continues the expansion of its Jaffrey facility while manufacturing products used to fight the novel coronavirus. The company announced last week it plans to add 275 jobs to its growing workforce after the completion of a new $22 million, 25,000-square-foot project in 2022, adding to the 260,000-square-foot existing Jaffrey facility.
“This is an ongoing, multi-stage expansion that has been approved by town officials,” said Karen Tiano, company spokesperson for MilliporeSigma. “Construction is underway on the new building, which is next to the existing building at 11 Prescott Road in Jaffrey.”
Tiano said MilliporeSigma is “expanding capacity and bringing on additional production lines in Jaffrey as we speak.”