Left better than knows himself and thats why he is one of the most hated apostate. Hes author of many bestselling books including radical son, destructive generation, unholy alliance to name just a few. As well as a black book of the american left a nine volume collection of his conservative essays over the past few decades. Decades. David has written three recent title some about the doctrine error, big agenda, President Trumps plan to save america. Dark agenda, the war to destroy christian america, and the aforementioned blitz. It is the book he recaps the relentless resistance and political obstruction and left wing lies trump essays of Democratic Leaders and their media enables has obsessed over sabotaging his presidency. David shows of those attacks have backfired, galvanizing trumps base and turning moderate voters towards the conservative camp. David is confident trump is going to steamroll his opposition in november using the same winning playbook he has used before. Rush limba
Said that the Trump Administration acted improperly by terminating the program in 2017. That is the last clearcut statement from the majority opinion. The courts reasoning, tortured throughout, and these five justices appear confused as they often do when roberts, the chief justice, is the swing vote. For example, this ruling does not touch the merits of the program, meaning daca remains in place but it could end at the hand rather the pin of this or any other administration. President trump reacting on twitter. He said, quote, these horrible and politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people who are proud to call themselves republicans or conservatives. We need more of justices or well lose our Second Amendment and everything else. Vote trump, 2020. Siding with the four liberal justices today was chief Justice John Robert as i said and this is the second time this week that he has sided in a ruling against the Trump Administrat
Said that the Trump Administration acted improperly by terminating the program in 2017. That is the last clearcut statement from the majority opinion. The courts reasoning tortured throughout. And these five justices appear confused as they often do, when roberts, the chief justice is the swing vote. For example, this ruling does not touch the merits of the program, meaning daca remains in place but it could end, end, the pin of this or any other administration. President trump reacting on twitter, he said, quote, these horrible and politicallycharged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people who are proud to call themselves republicans or conservatives. We need more justices or well lose our Second Amendment and everything else. Vote trump 2020. Siding with the four liberal justices today was chief Justice John Roberts as i said. And this is the second time this week that he has sided in a ruling against the Trump Administration. In the major
Said the Trump Administration acted improperly by terminating the program in 2017. That is the last clearcut statement from the majority opinion. The courts reasoning tortured throughout, and these five justices appear confused as they often do when roberts, the chief justice, is the swing vote. For example, this ruling does not touch the merits of the program meaning daca remains in place, but it could end at the hand rather, the pen of this or any other administration. President trump reacting on twitter. He said, quote these horrible and politicallycharged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people who are proud to call themselves republicans or conservatives. We need more justices or well lose our Second Amendment and everything else. Vote trump 2020. Siding with the four liberal justices today was chief justice john roberts, as i said, and this is the second time this week that he has cited in a ruling against the Trump Administration. In
Said that the Trump Administration acted improperly by terminating the program in 2017. That is the last clearcut statement from the majority opinion. The courts reasoning, tortured throughout, and these five justices appear confused as they often do when roberts, the chief justice, is the swing vote. For example, this ruling does not touch the merits of the program, meaning daca remains in place but it could end at the hand rather the pin of this or any other administration. President trump reacting on twitter. He said, quote, these horrible and politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people who are proud to call themselves republicans or conservatives. We need more of justices or well lose our Second Amendment and everything else. Vote trump, 2020. Siding with the four liberal justices today was chief Justice John Robert as i said and this is the second time this week that he has sided in a ruling against the Trump Administrat