And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all so also doing Public Comment so thank you okay. This is approval of the board minutes of the regular Board Meeting of september 9, 2014, motion and second please. Roerment. Ms. Sonata mr. Haney mr. Chin ms. Maufass ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton ms. Wynns president fewer 6 is thank you presentation to the board of education superintendent carranza thank you and this coming saturday well be having our second reinforcement conference on Denman School it brings together families to be involved in air childrens education and 10 00 a. M. The Conference Begins martha will, our keynote speaker about ways to have teachers resilience in the Early Education our Equality Department and office of family and Community Lead and annexed our Community Partners in organizing this great event please note that r. S. V. P. Is for childcare you can go to the website family conference or
Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all so also doing Public Comment so thank you okay. This is approval of the board minutes of the regular Board Meeting of september 9, 2014, motion and second please. Roerment. Ms. Sonata mr. Haney mr. Chin ms. Maufass ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton ms. Wynns president fewer 6 is thank you presentation to the board of education superintendent carranza thank you and this coming saturday well be having our second reinforcement conference on Denman School it brings together families to be involved in air childrens education and 10 00 a. M. The Conference Begins martha will, our keynote speaker about ways to have teachers resilience in the Early Education our Equality Department and office of family and Community Lead and annexed our Community Partners in organizing this great event please note that r. S. V. P. Is for childcare you can go to the website family conference or call 415241 6185 for spanish or or english and another one for
Working internally and we two budget meetings, one before and agenda announcement. One after. All right, any further it yes. Thank you president efms for us to consider under fewer graduation up to date is the agenda setting. If not, we will go on to the being presented at a future next item please . We are on a closed session meeting. Thank you very much now item vote. Commissioners . And we are there and any c the recognition and Public Comments on the closed session . Accommodations superintendent. There were not any questions. Thank you president fewer we then we are prepared to vote on whether to hold a closed have a special service ward for session, motion to have a closed session. Okay, a second . Our interpretation united and second. All in favor. Please say aye. Aye. All of those opposed. Id like to invite millie smith we will enter into the closed session and we are going to come forward to read the to move into our adjacent room. Service award. Good evening, commissioners ok
Role roll call, please. Someone roll call, please. Roll call, please. Thank you. Commissioner haney. Commissioner maufas. Commissioner mendozamcdonnell. Dr. Murase. Commissioner norton. Commissioner wynn president fewer and ms. Away. Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Approval of the board minutes theres none together and item b the presentations to the board of education superintendant. Good evening to everyone joining us in person and those of you listening and watching at home. I want to week all our students from the spring break and youre ready to get back to work as we finish the second seminar of this year this thursday volunteers will be providing paint to bring a creative yard for a place full of color its organized by the play works working with the San Francisco Unified School District to provide trained fulltime coaches focused on recess thank you for doing
Dr. Murase. Commissioner norton. Commissioner wynns. President fewer and ms. Away. Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Approval of the board minutes theres none together and item b the presentations to the board of education superintendant. Good evening to everyone joining us in person and those of you listening and watching at home. I want to week all our students from the spring break and youre ready to get back to work as we finish the second seminar of this year this thursday volunteers will be providing paint to bring a creative yard for a place full of color its organized by the play works working with the San Francisco Unified School District to provide trained fulltime coaches focused on recess thank you for doing the sweat equity the School Districts across california are to have a plan asal cap that will show you how funds are spent for the one site budgets an