By Geoff Page The Rag has already revealed a connection between the mayor and his supporters and the hit piece mailers people are receiving in their mailboxes regularly. A closer look at the mayor’s Communications Director, Rachael Laing, provides insight into the forces allied against Saldaña. New San Diego PAC Laing’s name first popped up…
Al Sharpton: San Diego has a place in my heart.
A national political figure has parachuted into San Diego s decades-long big-money war over which paramedic provider should get the city s exclusive contract, virtually guaranteeing another heated round of racially charged wheeling and dealing. San Diego has a place in my heart, and I have been supportive of the grassroots work being done by local leaders, writes the Rev. Al Sharpton, known as one of New York City s most influential political players, in a February 5
Union-Tribune opinion piece. However, San Diego s leaders appear to be careening toward a massive debacle with their controversial selection of a new 911 emergency ambulance provider, Falck.