this passenger was ripped from his. why flyers may not like the outcome coming up. dagen: he can t wait but up next so much for the empty nest, new numbers showing more millennials are living at home with mom and dad. is the economy to blame or all of the coddling. we debate, you decide. whoa, this thing is crazy. i just had to push one button to join.
coddling. change of the rent is too high the percentage of people doing this in new york and new jersey, did they gets all the bad bill of goods and get worthless degrees? sure. we have a serious problem with the birth rate, kids pay taxes to take care of social security and medicare and get home is why the birth rate is low, where parents go on a cruise before you can around. dagen: thank you, great to see you. starbucks new cappuccino won t only give folks a sugar rush but give another company a huge rush up next.
parents at a quarter of the are not working or going to school. whose fault is that? it is a confluence of factors, cultural factors, my generation is doing a lot of milestones later than previous generations like moving out, getting married, starting our own families, buying a home of our own but a lot of things have to do with the economy when it is the job market we entered two years ago, poor job market, we carry $1 trillion in student loan debt. there are economic factors at work. it is a choice, my generation does not are you living on our own or buying a home as previous generations have. dagen: maybe they re living at home for the food. maybe. a lot of this has to do with student debt is the economy has left a lot of younger folks behind who can t get first-time mortgages, this is personal for me, my grandson lives in my basement, works for me at my firm. he has twin boys day with us who
stimulus plan? don t we have disasters with monopolies like amtrak and the post office, can t make any money, it boggles the mind there are people on the left, give the government more money and that will stimulate the economy when there is no examples of them doing that. dagen: taxes went up and the economy hasn t grown at 3% in the last decade. say this with me, cut my taxes. i am a small business and my taxes are too high. i sound like a republican even though i ran a socialist presidential campaign. there is a fishing boat in florida that would be sitting in my driveway if you would lower my taxes, i would stimulate the economy because i would buy that boat and it would be sitting there. let s talk taxes and a whole, so like an oxymoron because of how i speak but let s think of it in
dagen: what do you say? the market and the s&p well off of their highs for march 1st. i think if trump manages to get through congress, he can be a really transformational president. here is the case for lowering taxes. look at the flip side when we raise taxes, 32, 37, 93, roosevelt, hoover and clinton, all put the economy into the tank. there are no examples where we lower taxes and put the economy in the tank, just the opposite under reagan, kennedy, the economy boomed. the other argument, if i really thought there were fact saying giving more money to the government to spend stimulated the economy, increased jobs and gdp i would be for it but we try that under obama s $1 trillion