this ship. that ship. so many aircraft. he is outraged. not only of the japanese but we weren t prepared for this attack. oliver: there are those who believe that roosevelt knew in advance that pearl harbor was going to be bombed? roosevelt had no desire to be in a war against japan. he told winston churchill at one point prior to pearl harbor that a war against japan was a war in the wrong place and the wrong en enemy and the wrong session. he wanted to fight alongside the british in defeating naziism. 6700 miles away the japanese were launching a war of aggression. japan was a nation ruled by an emperor. a tradition dating back centuries. the real power was held by the military war lords. throughout the 1930s japan was a rapidly growing
secret war. roosevelt pounds his desk and calling out the losses. this ship. that ship. so many aircraft. he is outraged. not only of the japanese but we weren t prepared for this attack. oliver: there are those who believe that roosevelt knew in advance that pearl harbor was going to be bombed? roosevelt had no desire to be in a war against japan. he told winston churchill at one point prior to pearl harbor that a war against japan was a war in the wrong place and the wrong en enemy and the wrong session. he wanted to fight alongside the british in defeating naziism. 6700 miles away the japanese were launching a war of aggression. japan was a nation ruled by an emperor. a tradition dating back centuries. the real power was held by the military war lords.