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Transcripts for KCMJ 93.9 FM KCMJ 93.9 FM 20190124 190000

Available and out of that International Women s Day celebration I gathered in the next year 2000 and 18 d a group of diverse people in the community mostly women plus one man and we have formed a grassroots committee to bring the women s stem career fair to Colorado Springs and we re headed up by Angela Mellon son of the Colorado Christian University she s our chairperson and of the committee includes Tucson sions myself and Lisa Rice and a group of women scientists engineers educators an elementary school principal a physical therapist business professionals and more and so we re all working together to bring this stem Vera to Colorado Springs in February while the society why do you think that there s been less women being involved and programs and jobs it s a mystery to me because the need is so great perhaps one of the reasons we need to think about women s needs a little bit more as an educator I always had time to be with my child because my work hours were almost the same as h

Transcripts for KRCC 2 [BBC World Service] KRCC 2 [BBC World Service] 20181211 130000

Here but it s just a fraction of the estimated 5600000 Syrian refugees in neighboring countries which are in is risky many refugees have no proof of property ownership across Syria there are shortages of electricity water schools and hospitals and thousands of unexploded weapons sporadic fighting continues Iran has confirmed that it recently carried out another medium range missile test part of a program that opposed by Western powers and Johnson reports the Iranian military said its latest missile test was significant but gave no further details earlier this month the u.s. Secretary of state Mike Pompei o condemned what he said was Iran s launch of a missile capable of carrying multiple warheads at the time Iran didn t confirm the tested taken place the u.s. Is determined to curb what it describes as Iran s missile proliferation program this is one of the reasons President Trampas impose sweeping economic sanctions on Tehran Iran s its missile development effort has purely defensive

Transcripts for BBC World Service BBC World Service 20181029 170000

Karen Bauer then the chancellor may well see out her term with dignity if it s arrival and the vultures are circling then she may find it uncomfortable perhaps untenable to continue in the job a woman suicide bomber has blown herself up in the center of Tunis wounding 8 police officers and one other person to his interior ministry identified the bomber as a 30 year old woman with no known links to extremists it s the 1st such attack in Tunis for almost 3 years in 2015 a suicide bombing killed 12 presidential guards. President Trump says he Brazil s far right President elect Jaya bosun r.-o. Agree that their 2 countries will work closely together on trade military and everything else Mr Trump said they had a very good conversation when he rang Mr Bowser Naro to congratulate him on his election victory part of Cramer who was a foreign policy advisor to Mr Paulson r.-o. During the election campaign told The b.b.c. The new president would treat all countries equally. We invest in mutual o

Transcripts for KBCS 91.3 FM KBCS 91.3 FM 20181029 150000

A frequent target both of Republicans and neo nazi groups Soros is Jewish she survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary before becoming an advocate for Refugee Rights This is President Trump at that White House East Room advent on Friday. The cool globalists that they like they like I like the Globe I like the globe do but we have to take care of our people we have to globalists. Meanwhile the Fox Business Network has pulled an episode of The Lou Dobbs Tonight program after a member of the right wing organization Judicial Watch made anti Semitic remarks attacking George Soros on Thursday Chris Farrel described the State Department as cirrhosis occupied territory to Lou Dobbs and House Republican majority leader Kevin McCarthy has deleted a tweet he posted last week suggesting 3 wealthy Jewish Democratic donors were trying to buy the midterm elections a tweet by McCarthy posted Tuesday and deleted Wednesday read we cannot allow store Stier and Bloomberg to buy the selection get out and v

Transcripts for KGNU 88.5 FM/1390 AM [Community Radio] KGNU 88.5 FM/1390 AM [Community Radio] 20181005 130000

More than 300 protesters overwhelmingly women are arrested on Capitol Hill urging senators to vote against the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will speak to playwright and v. Day founder events are just wrote an open letter in Time magazine to white women who support Brett Kavanaugh then the Nobel Peace Prize goes to his cd Kurdish Human rights activist not your odd and Congolese doctor. For fighting sexual violence. Still critical of the distribution of the just to give to suppose his Ok. I spoke to my son. Was this. A good. Course controls or what school it was even so we ll talk about their campaign against sexual violence then to Rio to Glenn Greenwald the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist on Sunday s election in Brazil the current presidential front runner is a far right for me army officer who s openly praised Brazil s military dictatorship all that and more coming out. Welcome to Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I mean a Goodman the Senate will

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