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A frequent target both of Republicans and neo nazi groups Soros is Jewish she survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary before becoming an advocate for Refugee Rights This is President Trump at that White House East Room advent on Friday. The cool globalists that they like they like I like the Globe I like the globe do but we have to take care of our people we have to globalists. Meanwhile the Fox Business Network has pulled an episode of The Lou Dobbs Tonight program after a member of the right wing organization Judicial Watch made anti Semitic remarks attacking George Soros on Thursday Chris Farrel described the State Department as cirrhosis occupied territory to Lou Dobbs and House Republican majority leader Kevin McCarthy has deleted a tweet he posted last week suggesting 3 wealthy Jewish Democratic donors were trying to buy the midterm elections a tweet by McCarthy posted Tuesday and deleted Wednesday read we cannot allow store Stier and Bloomberg to buy the selection get out and vote Republican November sex hash tag Maggo McCarthy tweeted also referencing Tom Styer and Michael Bloomberg and Jefferson town Kentucky white man arrested for shooting and killing 2 African-American customers at a grocery store last Wednesday was seen unsuccessfully trying to enter a predominantly black church shortly before his shooting rampage police say 51 year old Gregory Bush was captured on a surveillance camera trying to force open the doors of the 1st Baptist Church of Jefferson town for several minutes before turning his attention instead to a nearby Kroger supermarket where he killed 2 African-Americans Marie Stallard and Vicky Lee Jones Busch reportedly stop shooting after he was confronted by an armed bystander and Harrell and the parking lot outside the supermarket this is Herald Sun Steve Zahn and you're speaking with the local n.b.c. Affiliate. That was confronting the senator Yeah yeah. That made him feel. There on the money he did he didn't realize it was him till you've already seen the gun he said don't shoot me I will shoot you is like whites don't kill whites Gregory Bush has a history of making racist slurs and a long rap sheet of misdemeanor charges including to messed up violence menacing and making terroristic threats in 2009 a judge ordered Bush to surrender his guns and undergo mental health treatment after his parents claimed Bush threatened to shoot them in the head but his father said his son quote carries a gun wherever he goes unquote It's not clear whether Bush's guns were returned when the court order expired in 2011 Gregg Bush will face 2 counts of murder and 10 counts of wanton endangerment at a court hearing scheduled for November prosecutors are investigating the murders as a possible hate crime in Florida Cesar Sayaka the man suspected of sending a series of explosive devices to high profile Democrats and c.n.n. Is appearing in court today where he'll face federal charges and a possible prison sentence of up to 48 years Sayaka is a 50 year 56 year old white man from Ivan tour of Florida he was picked up Friday after investigators tracked him down thanks to fingerprints left on one of the bomb packages on Friday authorities intercepted more suspicious packages destined for California senator Camelot heris billionaire donor Tom Styer and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker bringing the total to at least 14 packages psyop who was working as a d.j. At a strip club was active on social media praising Trump and attacking his political opponents including those targeted by his mail bombs psyops social media post showed him that rallies wearing a Make America Great Again hat his Twitter account which. The Asli reported to the company after he made threats to a political commentator but no action was taken the intercept is reporting psyops home was foreclosed in January of 2009 by Indy Mac. Bank a failed bank which 2 months later was renamed one West Bank and taken over by Stephen the new chin the current u.s. Treasury secretary and Vesta gators believe psyop was living in his van where he built the bomb devices his van is covered in pro Trump and pence stickers as well as images of prominent Democrats with crosshairs over them the images include Hellary Clinton one of the targets filmmaker Michael Moore and outtake from Moore's recent film Fahrenheit 119 shows Sayaka Trump 2020 were alley last year. That protest was in Melbourne Florida Caesar psyop was among the protesters chanting c.n.n. Sox in Brazil far right candidate Joe your bull so narrow one sweeping victory in a presidential runoff election Sunday marking the most radical political shift in the country since military rule ended more than 30 years ago both scenario defeated rival Fernando had Baji of the leftist Workers' Party by a margin of 55 to 45 percent bus and out I was a former Army officer with a history of making racist massage mystic and homophobic comments he's praised Brazil's former military dictatorship spoke of torture and threatened to destroy 1 imprison or banish his political opponents but Sonora has also encouraged police to kill suspected drug dealers and once told a female lawmaker she was too ugly to rape environmentalists warn both Sonora will speed catastrophic climate change by opening up the swaths of the Amazon to agribusiness giants who will replace rain forests with fields of soybeans corn and sugar cane but Sonora selection was met with this made by thousands of protesters who poured into the streets of Sao Paolo and other cities and Brazil and were met by riot police after the results were announced. I am in mourning not for me but for Brazil which doesn't deserve this it doesn't deserve this ignorance the Brazilian people are ignoring Brazil a lot to learn later in the broadcast we'll go to Rio de Janeiro to speak with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald about the rise of Joe year bull Sonora and what he means for democracy and Brazil and Indonesia a passenger jet carrying 189 people crashed into the sea near the capital of Jakarta shortly after it took off Monday morning search and rescue workers reported finding wreckage and personal belongings from Lion Air flight 610 but no sign of any survivors a cause of the crash is not yet known Saudi Arabia has rejected a call by Turkish president Richard Baird want to extradite suspects accused of killing the Saudi journalist Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi so they can be tried in Turkey Saudi foreign minister Adel there said Saturday 18 suspects would be tried in Saudi Arabia after a Saudi led investigation Turkey says a squad of Saudi hit men lured to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul October 2nd where they tortured him and cut him to pieces using a bone saw President Arab one has demanded Saudi officials show him where to show body is a name those responsible for ordering the killing for more on our coverage on the murder of the show you can go to Democracy Now or in Gaza and airstrike from an Israeli drone killed 3 Palestinian teenagers on Sunday near the heavily militarized separation barrier with Israel the deaths kept a weekend of violence on Friday Israeli forces shot and killed 5 Palestinians as they joined weekly protests under the banner of the great March of return. The Gaza health ministry said 170 others were injured many by life fire overnight Friday Israeli warplanes pounded parts of Gaza with dozens of bombs leveling buildings as Palestinians fired about 3 dozen rockets towards southern Israel before a brief cease fire took effect on Saturday in India federal authorities raided the offices of Amnesty International's India branch Thursday in the latest crackdown on civil society groups by the Hindu Nationalist government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi investigators spent over 10 hours searching tax records and amnesties Bangalore headquarters before freezing the N.G.O.s bank accounts the raid follows a similar government action against the environmental group Greenpeace earlier this month. German media is reporting Chancellor Angela Merkel will not seek reelection when her term ends in 2021 she will also not seek leadership of her party the c.d.u. Or Christian Democratic Union Merkel's party suffered heavy losses in the state of Hesse on Sunday with far right party making gains America has been leader of her party since 2000 and the German chancellor since 2005 and in Tennessee a federal judge has ruled the meant this police department violated an agreement to stop engaging in political surveillance the a.c.l.u. Successfully argued in court that meant this police broken 1978 consent decree when it set up a phony Facebook profile to surveil activists with black lives matter and other civil rights groups and those are some of the headlines This is Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I mean we couldn't we begin today show in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. That was the scene at a candlelight vigil in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Saturday night just hours after a gunman opened fire at the Tree of Life Seneca 11 worshippers were killed in what's being described as the deadliest anti semitic attack in u.s. History the victims have been identified as Cecil Rosenthal his brother David Rosenthal Melvin waxed Irving younger Daniel Stein Joyce Feinberg Richard got freed Rose malinger Gerry Rabinowitz Bernice Simon and Sullivan Simon a married couple they ranged in age from 54 to 976 others. Were injured including 4 policemen the worshipers were gathered on Saturday morning for services when a 46 year old white man named Robert Bowers entered the synagogue armed with an ar 15 and 3 handguns he yelled old Jews must die as he opened fire on worshippers when Bowers was finally taken into custody 20 minutes later he reportedly told a swat team officer he wanted all Jews to die this is f.b.i. Special agent Bob Jones this is the most horrific crime scene I've seen in 22 years with a review distribution members of the Tree of Life Synagogue conducting a peaceful service in their place of worship were brutally murdered by a gunman targeting them simply because of their faith just before the shooting rampage the gunman Robert Powers wrote a message on line saying Hyas likes to bring invaders in that kill our people I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered screw your optics I'm going in highest refers to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society humanitarian aid nonprofit group that provides assistance to refugees coming into the United States for more than 130 years he posted the message on gab a site frequented by neo nazis white nationalist and far right users kicked off Twitter for racism or harassment the shooting rampage caps a hate filled week in America on Wednesday a white man with a history of violence fatally shot 2 African-Americans had a Kentucky grocery store following an apparent failed attempt to attack a black church on Friday authorities arrested an avid Trump supporter name Cesar psyop who is accused of mailing 14 bombs addressed to c.n.n. And political opponents of President Trump including the Clintons the Obama as as well as George. Soros Tom Styer senators comma Harris as well as a Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey and others For more we go to Philadelphia Pennsylvania where we're joined by 2 guests Dr David Glasser is with us he's a retired neuropsychologists who has volunteered with high us in Philadelphia helping refugees resettled there he is also the uncle of Steven Miller a key political advisor to President Trump who has pushed for a crackdown on emigrants David Gloster recently wrote a piece for political magazine headlined Steven Miller is an immigration hypocrite I know because I'm his uncle and we're also joined by Ari left for Nari he's a rabbi a cult set a synagogue in West Philadelphia who's worked with high us as well we welcome you both to Democracy Now David Glasser let's begin with you your response to what took place and Pittsburgh on Saturday morning the murders the morning before I began to like to express my condolences to murmur many friends and relatives in Pittsburgh and specifically in this world the reason we were Lou we've not been subject to the consequences. Political leaders abandoning their moral responsibility. The question's been asked what happens when hate speech becomes legitimized and it becomes acceptable in our political discourse to condemn and vilify innocent people on the basis of race or religion or origin or color their answer has made itself very clear in the last few days. And in the last week with the pipe bomb attacks upon a political opponents of Mr Trump. Mr Trump has made it his policy to vilify and dehumanised Hispanics and Muslims non whites calling them subhuman animals that are infesting or a country like so many insects are rats make no mistake about it this is the same kind of propaganda that is identical to the racist rants that Nazi Party rallies in Germany in the 1930 s. Now Trump spews the same poisonous messages to his supporters and claims innocence when this inflammatory vitriol is sprayed over society he's claims innocence now that this political gasoline catches fire and people get hurt and killed. I'm horrified by it I'd love to say I was surprised but I'm not more shocking the way. The Republican Congress has tolerated has offered his vilification where I have been their cries of outrage there are the so-called responsible people in our country and are in positions of political leadership their silence has been deafening. I would say that. This silence tends to legitimize the crazy conspiracy theories the hate speech the threats the violent acts of the most noxious white nationalist elements of the American political spectrum. Mr Trump is even unashamed. To tell us that among the chanting Nazis and Charlottesville there were many foreign people drawing a false moral equivalency between those who protested against those kinds of actions and the Nazis themselves should we not be surprised that well armed why not nationalist bigots. Are isolated. Isolated friendless loner is. Seeking validation for their empty lives that day that their act out on their hate. I think not now Mr Trump didn't pull the trigger in the synagogue he didn't mail those bombs but for the 1st time in 50 years he's made bigoted hate speech in America a legitimate tool of political manipulation is an endless barrage of excited hatred threats and lies has consequences as we have seen I regard Mr Trump as a hopeless moral imbecile indifferent to the deadly consequences of his inflammatory conduct but those politicians who know better still do not say much they don't stand up and lively denounces hate speech they don't you know it's his lies they're hypocrites they're cowards they're deafening silence condemns them more loudly than any court Remember could. Serve our what can we say we would have to take the actions that are most prudent or most liberal loudest the most effective means getting out and voting directory questions Dr David tosser. The shooter Bowers made there is just made his justification very clear I mean he tweeted minutes before and didn't use tweet but used gab going into this synagogue saying he wanted to kill all Jews but specifically going after a Jewish organization called Highest which stands for the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society a group that you work for as well as our next guest our 11 Ari. And he immediately made the link between Jews and immigrants helping immigrants coming into this country among his gab posts he said I have noticed a change in people saying illegals that now say invaders he wrote the 6 days before he said I like that as he referred continually to the caravan of people coming up you were particularly close to the story in an unusual way you're a volunteer for Highest you work with refugees Jewish and non jewish from all over the world trying to resettle in the United States and your nephew Steven Miller is one of close president trumps closest advisers particularly on the issue of immigration your headline in The Politico piece this is before the attack this weekend Stephen Miller's an immigration hypocrite I know because I'm his uncle Can you talk about this linkage that Bauer made from Jews to Jewish organizations bringing in refugees as he called them and haters language that President Trump himself is used. Yes let me tell you a little bit about Hyas pious help to rescue my family about 100 years ago it now serves to protect desperate refugees worldwide I'm proud to be a volunteer for them almost every American family in the United States apart from those who came on willingly as slaves and apart from those who are Native Americans everyone else came here by and large to flee danger oppression hunger and fear and together those folks have built a nation fought her wars and advance the cause of freedom and justice in the world we must not turn our backs on this this fundamentally American mission or let opportunistic 8 fold politicians turn us against them the words on the Statue of Liberty should be remembered give us your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. So I am particularly horrified and angry of about the cynical political exploitation of poor people trying to escape from oppression we can solve all the problems in the world but we can certainly United States is a large powerful wealthy country very good at absorbing immigrants as you can find as you can determine just by going out in the street and asking anybody you see where did their family come from originally we're great at absorbing immigrants and we need to do our duty to help people who are desperately fleeing from horrible conditions as my family did under 2 years ago I mean it's interesting in your piece you write that Steven Miller would not be here President tram senior advisor question on immigration issues if it weren't for immigrants being allowed into this country your family some of them surviving the Holocaust and being brought here. You had about to go ahead going. And it was back in 1003 that my great grandfather followed his older brother out of out of the town of on to Paul which is a little village in what's now Belarus and the conditions terrible conditions there of persecution and mob violence against Jews he came to the United States because the door was opened in 1006 they were able to round up enough money to be able to send for the rest of the immediate family of the 74 of our family that could not get out of Belarus because the immigration laws United States it changed they were all murdered in war and in the years leading up to and during World War 2 The whole town which there originally but about $5000.00 Jews and they were all in 1900 some most of them will most of them laughed at leaving about 2000 of the 2000 remained and to Paul. Only 7 are known to have survive the war. Stephen Stephen Miller certainly would not have existed my parents. Would likely have gone up the crematoria chimney and never of mad that I would never been more and his mother never would of the Lord and certainly Stephen would have been born I understand on the respect. History of refugees and immigrants because of our family's personal experience even a Steven and Mr and Mr Trump did not Mr Trump's grandfather was or was it was those from what I understand he was on the run from the German military from conscription into the army is a grandmother was a very impoverished Scottish Refugee looking for a better life in New York you'd expect these people to have a little more understanding a little more compassionate a little more realisation that immigrants are good for this country and have been good for this country. And instead it turned into this this poisonous vilification of people in d.c. Womanizing this feeds into this crazy conspiracy theories that lead people these these are uninsured people what by our society to our. There are personal in our courses we're trying to be something important through violence we're going to have to something be a surprise to anybody it's an old story we're going to break and then come back to this discussion Dr David Glasser uncle of Trump senior adviser Steven Miller speaking to us from Philadelphia he's former faculty member of Boston University's School of Medicine and Jefferson Medical College and he is a volunteer for highest helping to resettle refugees in the United States this is democracy now back in a minute. Good morning you're listening to Democracy Now here on 913 k. B.c.s. Listen supported public radio more can be found about the station online on our website www dot f.m. Support for k b c s comes from just one trip to King County Metro program that helps you spend less time alone in your car you can learn about local transportation options and earn rewards at just one trip dot au argy for right now in traffic I don't have any blocking incidents to report specifically from the s. Dot but there is still the notice about rockslide on State Route 11 northbound and southbound just north of Oyster Creek there may still be some traffic blocks or slowdowns as they try to clear any of those rocks for weather today is about a 50 percent chance of showers expecting it to be mostly cloudy with highs in the mid fifty's right about $44.00 degrees right now in Bellevue $46.00 in Seattle Tacoma and Linwood and reaching $48.00 in the Limpia Stay tuned there's more to come here on Democracy Now at $9013.00 k b c s. That's sod's by the Philip Glass sambal This is Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I mean the Goodman as we talk about the horrific shooting rampage on Saturday in Pittsburgh just before the massacre the gunman Robert Bowers Well the message online saying Hyas likes to bring invaders and that kill our people I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered screw your optics I'm going in and addition to David Glasser we are joined by Ari love for Nari rabbi called Sadeq synagogue in West Philadelphia rabbi for an hour I start by responding to what took place on Saturday you're a rabbi for Philadelphia congregation and the other part of Pennsylvania but you also work with highest the organization that the shooter was directly attacking. Thank you Amy It's an honor to be back on your show and I also just want to begin by just naming this has been a devastating week and a devastating weekend and for for Jews probably around the world and certainly you know Jews in my congregation and around and around Pittsburgh and Philadelphia we are really we're in this state of what's referred to as on the new this kind of suspended state of grief before there is really there really are words or actions to figure out how to respond and I just want to extend my my my love and condolences to all who are experiencing direct loss in Pittsburgh and at the Tree of Life congregation your opening segment hearing the Jews gathered in prayer on that Saturday night singing the words to ensure by really brought back the gathering that we had at the Calvary Center for Culture and community called 2nd our community of neighbors and allies gathered in the same way there are about $100.00 of us in West Philadelphia singing those same words and offering words of of inspiration and grief together kind of finding solidarity in our gathering and what really strikes me is that this political violence is not happening in isolation and the murder of these 11 Jews in Pittsburgh is in it strictly linked to the murder of the 2 black shoppers in Kentucky so the slaughter of black worshipers in Charleston in 2015 to the burning of mosques and mosque deeds around the country to the attack on the sick temple in Wisconsin there is a long history of political violence and we are seeing a surge in it and I hold Trump and the Republican Party and his supporters and his enablers directly responsible for this we need to be making the connections that Bowers himself is making which is we need to be seeing the interconnection of Trump's language targeting all of us targeting immigrants and Muslims and people of color black and brown bodies queer in trans bodies and seeing ourselves as as all targets of white nationalism and to understand that. Anti-Semitism and racism are at the core of white nationalism and this administration is targeting all of us and we will not be divided which is why I'm so inspired by the leaders of Pittsburgh who are saying Trump you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you denounce white nationalism because that is what is responsible for all of this and my own synagogue called said it is like the Tree of Life in Pittsburgh who works directly with highest and we've been sponsoring and supporting 3 refugees in our neighborhood for the past 2 years I'm supporting them to find housing and work and necessary medical appointments sharing groceries and meals and being a source of community in connection to help them get resettled We've also been participating in in solidarity rallies at a local mosque. Where there was a group of white nationalists that showed up about 6 months ago to terrorize in provoke violence during one of their Friday Juma prayers and for about 6 months a group of community neighbors and led by by called said accident I showed up every single Friday and had signs that said you know West Philly Jews support our Muslim neighbors love your neighbor as yourself and so what we need to be doing is actually showing up and and being a voice of solidarity and making the same connections that these white nationalists are making which is that we actually are all vulnerable to the violence of white supremacy and white nationalism that Trump and his supporters are provoking and enabling. And I really see this as a pivotal moment as we're one week away from the midterm elections that we need to get out the vote and unseat and hold accountable everyone running for office who has direct ties to white nationalism thinking specifically for starters of Stephen King in the 4th district in Iowa and I I'm really drawing great comfort from these these these fierce brave people of color women who are running against longtime incumbent and trying to unseat these these racist leaders in our in our country and you know it's interesting you know when voting. Rabbi because on Saturday not long after the shooting I believe it was high school kids in Pittsburgh right in that area and Squirrel Hill organized just a vigil they were so horrified some people could come together and spontaneously the chant that broke out in that vigil was vote vote and your reference to the 11 members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of bend the arc of Jewish partnership for justice writing that letter to President Trump Trump said he will be going to Pittsburgh I think sometime this week and they wrote our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted you've also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color Muslims old Ubi t.q. People people with disabilities yesterday's massacre is not the 1st act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country they wrote saying that unless he renounces says white nationalism he can't come to Pittsburgh. You know this is these are the kinds of connections we need to be making because we actually have power in numbers we not only need to get out the vote but we need to be showing up for each other at the gathering we had on Saturday night at the Calvary center our dear friends and allies are Muslim and Christian clergy and neighbors came and they spoke and they saying to us and they shared words there were about 100 of us present and in the moment where our words failed us they said we stand by you we will be are standing stone and really offered you know the words of you know Jewish liberation from 100 years ago which is that we will outlive them we will do this in the streets together that we are not alone in this Jews are not alone in this people of color are not alone in this immigrants are not alone in this I was thinking about this in connection to my own work related to Immigrant Justice I spent some time earlier in August at the Us Mexico border as part of a clergy action to be providing human to be resisting this administration's criminalization of humanitarian aid on the u.s. Border. And what we know is that the criminalization of immigration is directly connected to the violence that's being perpetrated against trans bodies against people of color against black bodies out in public space which has been going on you know for as long as basically the u.s. Has been in existence there's been. The violence against a black and brown bodies has been condoned by the state and this is a time where we need to rise up and resist that and reclaim reclaim a sense of connected safety that is not built in state power but that's built in our relationships of solidarity and interdependence. And we I want to ask also about what happened this remarkable moment on Friday afternoon most aren't paying attention because the. The cutest. Bomber. Had been arrested and so there is a lot of attention on this then that he was living in the. It had all these targets on it and pro Trump signs he was at a Melbourne Florida Trump rally recently but at that soon after that President Trump was in the East Room with the young black leaders and he basically led a mini rally as he attacked globalists and the young people wearing maggot hats make American great again chanted sure Rowse and lock him up this was in the White House on Friday I think it was Wednesday that Trump in the middle of the night tweeted when you putting the word bombs in quotes and saying this is taking attention away from what we want to focus on right the caravan. The threats as he perceived them of persecuted people coming up into this country. You know what what we're seeing is Trump Trump coming further and further out and seeing his true colors that we saw last week that he he came out as a nationalist and we know the word that becomes a foreign national is it's white nationalist and we we know the use of the term Globalist is directly a longstanding attack on Jews it's an anti-Semitic slur that's been used and we've seen the same strategies in the strategies of media and manipulation that Hitler used in the Nazi party to rise in Germany and so I really hold Trump and the entire Republican Party and their silence complicit for these acts of violence and this murder the blood is on their hands it's not just about getting guns guns out of out of out of dissemination it's actually about changing the discourse of who is in power this is not a side project this actually is the project of this administration and we need to be speaking out and saying Trump you need to denounce white nationalism and we need to hold accountable all of our elected officials and frankly we need to unseat them and change the face of who is in power in this country because this violence is not happening in isolation as we are seeing it's escalating terribly this past week has been devastating and it's an assault not just on our bodies but on our souls and one of the teachings that we have in our and our ethical tradition is that in a place where people are not not acting human we need to strive to be human we need to stay connected to our humanity we need to build this world from love we just have one minute but Dr David Gloucester do you want to publicly address your nephew Trump senior adviser Steven Miller here. Welcome to never the same message I've been trying to get across for the last many months. It's absolutely unacceptable to you to ours who trued bigotry to advance your political ones. Sure be expression of ambition. It's poisonous to the country destructive devices. And a complete repudiation of your own background in your own post Dr David Gloucester want to thank you for being with us uncle of Trump senior adviser Steven Miller Dr Glasser a volunteer with highest Rabbi Ari love for Nari rabbi a cult set x. And a guy in West Philadelphia also works with Hyas who is on the border also the high ass bots the refugee ship parts that were held all over the country last week I know that rabbi for Nari is planning one in November in Philadelphia and the significance of this the Pittsburgh temple of Life Synagogue participated in this as well we will continue to follow the story when we come back we'll be joined by Glenn Greenwald in Rio de Janeiro Brazil President Trump just tweeted his congratulations to Jay airboats an audio the far right now president elect of Brazil Stay with us. Good morning your listeners democracy now here on 913 k. B.C.'s support for k b c s comes from Beacon plumbing a local family owned company serving Seattle Tacoma and the east side available for emergency plumbing heating sewer and drain cleaning services 247 more information to be completely dot net or 1800 freakin in traffic right now still give you the warning that on State Route 11 northbound and southbound is north of Oyster Creek there was a rockslide earlier today that needs to be blocking some of the lanes there don't have any other real blocking since report at the time please stay safe and aware on your commute this morning also in weather right now we're expecting about 50 percent chance of showers today mostly cloudy skies highs nearing the mid fifty's we've got about 44 degrees in Bellevue 46 in Tacoma and Linwood and 48 degrees in Seattle and Olympia will trumps tariffs raise your water bill find out tomorrow on the morning plan for Tuesday here on community radio 913 k. B.C.'s find out more about the station by going online to our website k b c s dollars at that time chips This is Democracy Now I mean the good men as we turn to Brazil where a far right former Army officer who openly supports dictatorships and torture has been overwhelmingly elected president Jay airball Sonata his election marks the most radical political shift in Brazil since military rule ended more than 30 years ago he won 55 percent of the vote easily defeating Fernando had of the leftist Workers Party also not as campaigned on a promise to end corruption and crackdown on crime but many fear the future of democracy in Brazil is a danger for decades also not as openly praise the country's former military dictatorship one saying the dictatorship should have killed 30000 more people he also has a history of making racist massage mystic homophobic comments has spoken in favor of torture has threatened to destroy imprison our banish his political opponents he's encouraged police to kill suspected drug dealers once told a female lawmaker she was too ugly to rape he also said he would rather hear that his son had died in a car accident than learn that his son is gay on Sunday night show Europe also not have claimed he would help liberate personnel. 5 of you with Ace me if you can't you are my witness that I will be an advocate for defending the Constitution for democracy for freedom this is my promise it's not one of a political party it's not the word of a man it's an oath to God Of what do I mean you know what I mean. Libby I thought am a little bit of you yeah we thought of you we will liberate Brazil and the foreign ministry from the ideology of its international relations that it's subjected Brazil to in recent years Brazil will no longer be different from the countries of the developed world. Who got in without us oil to get out that I don't buy any of this coupon will seek bilateral relations that add to the economic and technological value of Brazilian products we will restore international respect for our dear Brazil thousands of protesters poured into the streets of Sao Paolo and other cities and Brazil to protest ball sent out a selection. Black Do you. Know Me I am in mourning not for me but for Brazil which doesn't deserve this it doesn't deserve this ignorance the Brazilian people are ignorant Brazil a lot Joe your bull Sonando directly benefited from the jailing of the former Brazilian president Luis in Austria led to so vote who had been leading all presidential polls earlier this year he's been in jail since April in what many consider trumped up corruption charges to prevent him from running for president both Sonata will be sworn in January 1st 2019 just moments ago President Trump tweeted had a very good conversation with the newly elected president of Brazil Joe you're both Sanaa who won his race by a substantial margin we agreed that Brazil in the United States will work closely together on trade military and everything else exclamation point excellent call wish him congrats exclamation point to discuss the implications of Boston on his victory we go to Rio de Janeiro to speak with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald one of the founding editors of the intercept Glenn welcome back your response to both senators victory. Well I think it's really important to put it into its proper context for a long time the Western media was referring to him as Brazil's Trump That's how he was marketing himself the reality is much different he's by far the most extremist leader now elected anywhere in the democratic world he's far closer as we've discussed before to Rodriguez the territory the president of the Philippines or even general Sissi the dictator of Egypt a journalist Vincent Bevins based and for a long time in Brazil and now in Indonesia has made the argument that he's far more extreme than do terror t. . I think that the key thing to understand about Belsen are is that he really comes not from this modern right movement of the type of Donald Trump or Nigel for Raj or Marine Le Pen But the Cold War far right that carried out enormous atrocity in the name of fighting domestic communism which is what Bolton are a believes his primary project to be recently about the cleanse the country of left wing opposition which he sees as a Communist front and so be the threat and the ideology is far more extreme than anything in the democratic world but the dynamics as as far as why he won are quite similar in that it was driven not by a sudden far right ideology conversion on the part of this population in Brazil but anger and desperation and hopelessness about the failures of the establishment Klaus. During an interview with a Brazilian television program back like almost 20 years ago Jay or both Sinatra said through the vote you will not change anything in this country nothing absolutely nothing it will only change unfortunately when one day we start a civil war here and do the work that the military regime did not do killing some 30000 starting with f. H. C. Then present for now on their make a quick to assume not kicking them out killing if some innocent people are going to die fine in any war innocents die talk about his stances Glenn Greenwald on many issues from l.g.b. T.q. Issues to. Women's rights etc. Yeah that's why I say he's a real throwback to the kind of far right movements of say the sixty's seventy's and eighty's then he is this more updated modernized version so if you look at far right leaders throughout the West you don't really see much of a focus on say abortion and Al g.b.t. Issues if anything sometimes the far right in Europe co-op's those issues as a way of inciting Zina phobia against Muslims saying Muslims are regressive and want to drag the country back thousands of years in terms of social issues whereas Boston r.-o. Is kind of this much more old school fascist where a major part of his campaign was depicting l.g.b. Tease as a direct threat to children saying that the reason I want to infiltrate public schools is because they want to convert people's children into being gay so that they can have sex with them an obviously highly inflammatory claim to make about a marginalized population in the society that's already pretty conservative on social issues but the much graver threat is the fact that he explicitly reveres and wants to replicate the worst elements of the military dictatorship when he stood up very recently in 20 in 2016 on the floor of the Congress and voted to impeach. He specifically said he was doing it in honor of the notorious colonel who tortured not only dissidents in general but specifically So this is the kind of regime he wants to reinstate whether he'll be able to do that is a looming question but that's definitely his intention. Foreign policy has a headline Jair Bolsa not as a model isn't Berlusconi it's gerbils Glenn. Yeah I mean that's why I think that the Western media is only you know starting to come to grips with is that he really is an event place a ball on the standard ideological spectrum that has come to define even this new right movement that has obviously succeeded in the u.s. In the u.k. With Bragg's it. Is flourishing in many places in Western in the eastern Europe he's far more extreme than that whether Nazi comparisons and the like are healthy are productive is something you know prefer to leave to the side because that tends just generally to obvious Kate I prefer to use Nazi and I would use for people who actually committed genocide but I think that the threat that he poses to just basic human rights the right of the sand and the ability to have an ongoing viable democracy can't be overstated and President Trump applauding him the significance and the importance of the u.s. Brazilian relationship on. Well I mean I think that we all know now how President Trump sees the world which is in this very simplistic framework where people who say good things about him are people that he likes and people who say bad things about him or people that he hates and they are both and are as somebody who has consciously modeled himself on Donald Trump his children when they came to New York met with Steve beyond in Trump Boston or himself as saluted the American flag and talked about how much he loves the United States under Trump I'm sure he was very a few Sivan his praise of Trump when he spoke to him and therefore Trump's current posture and his childlike manner is to view gyre balls and I was as somebody that is an ally and a friend and somebody worthy of praise for that reason alone when we're speaking to you in this aftermath of the Pittsburgh massacre what the a.t.o. Has described as the worst anti semitic attack in the United States in u.s. History if you could comment as you look north but this is your country the United States what happened this weekend and share your thoughts. So if you go look at the social media history of the murderer who enter the synagogue in Pittsburgh you see something much different than the social media history of the individual accused of sending pipe bombs to various Democratic politicians and. Media newsrooms that person the pipe bomber seems you clearly have been directly inspired by and formed by Trump and the Trump movement where is the killer who sought are Jews in the Pittsburgh synagogue is a much more of this kind of tradition all neo nazi hardcore k.k.k. a White supremacist who sees Donald Trump not as an ally but as a tool of the Jews and of Zionism I think he's much more kind of out on the fringes of American political life so I think the attempt to try and blame trumps or trump the rhetoric for this attack is a much harder case to make than for the pipe bomber who clearly was motivated by Trump's enemy last Nonetheless once you start creating this atmosphere in a country where scapegoating becomes the norm and where you start encouraging people 'd to look at marginalized and vulnerable minorities as the source of their woes history teaches that violence against those groups are the inevitable outcome and so I think it would be a mistake I would be personally cautious to draw too many lessons about the synagogue shooter he seems to me to be a very familiar kind of our I or in American history. I nonetheless do think of the climate not just in the u.s. But throughout the Western democracies generally has become one where these kinds of this kind of rage against marginalized groups is becoming increasingly pervasive and you know you can see tweeted out a message you know attacking Jews and refugees right before he went in and killed Jewish worshipers because he used to gab if you could explain what gab is. As we I think mostly most of us know for a long time Silicon Valley has not wanted to regulate or censor political content and wanted to view itself as kind of like the 18th tee of the Internet obviously t.n.t. Doesn't censor people if you want to use if you're white supremacist and you want to use the telephone and let's you but Silicon Valley has begun because the public has been demanding it censoring political content putting extremists that they perceive to be extremists barred from using Facebook and Twitter and so as is predictable their social media companies making a promise to people not to censor them begin to emerge and God was designed to essentially allow the far right censor from Twitter to migrate there and use social media there and that's where this killer among others like Milo you know. Other neo nazis who were banned from Facebook and Twitter have migrated to and it's kind of become a hub of that in the wake of this Pittsburgh shooting they've now been censored in a sense by private financial firms that want process their payments in private Internet companies that won't host their site any longer it's an attempt to suppress these views which never really works rather than trying to address them or contain them or defeat them. And President Trump as a response to what took place and the Progressive Jewish leaders in Pittsburgh saying Do not you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you renounce white nationalism. No I mean you know President post of the 3 of the sorting that I thought was so far over the line we have lived of all I've been somebody has been Yeah so I mean the thing about c.n.n. Being the enemy of the people in the wake of this pipe bomb and like I said I'm more cautious about blaming Trump for Len we have to leave it where about we're going to do part 2 at Democracy Now dot org Pulitzer Prize winning journalist. And this is a key B.C.'s for a couple reasons I listen to news and public affairs that I wouldn't get anywhere else here in Seattle specifically I listen because I know a lot of the news and public affairs that you guys provide its non-mainstream so I also listen to be more engaged in democracy. Is my world of music and ideas. B.c.s. Programming is supported in part by just one trip dot org. 9 o'clock straight up here on music and ideas 913 k. V.c.s. Bellevue listener supported public radio from Bellevue college I'm Scott Wallace sitting in for Gary Crawford Stay tuned for the Thom Hartmann program but 1st its headlines. R r. R. R r. The k b c s news headlines I'm Kendra Hanna. 2 Northwest Tribes will get money from the u.s. Department of Justice to fund attorneys who will focus on issues of domestic violence and native communities correspondent Emily showing reports in a press release us deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein said holding perpetrators accountable and providing victims with services is a critical part of the department's response to violence against women to that end Rosenstein announced funding to support for new tribal special assistant u.s. Attorneys the collaborate with federal and tribal jurisdictions in a prepared statement called Will Travel chairman Rodney Coston said the effects of violence against women are far reaching violence against women and girls not only afflicts the victim but also for children or families in our communities nearly $440000.00 will go to fund attorneys with the called hill tribes in north eastern Washington and the Confederated Tribes of the Yuma Tilla and Oregon funding will also go to tribes in Arizona and South Dakota I'm Emily Schwing reporting crosscut dot com says a law suit was filed on behalf of 2 sisters in King County Superior Court on Thursday the incidents of the suit details took place while the sisters attended Skyline High School in the is across school district the last who argues that the students and faculty at Skyline High School harassed them after the older sister.

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