Military pay saw a 2.7% increase for 2022 compared to 2021 levels. These military pay tables apply to active members of the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and Space Force.
limit with no republican support and national defense bill. the $770 billion defense bill includes military pay raises and policy changes. it will likely get a vote in the senate later this week. also more money there to help ukraine and defend against china. lawmakers passed a bill that will allow senate democrats to raise the debt limit with a simple majority rather than 60 votes. that bill now moves to the senate where the minority leader mitch mcconnell expects to have the republican votes needed. this despite pushback from some in his own party. once that bill passes, senate democrats will vote on a separate measure to raise the debt limit but without any republican votes. congress has until november december 15th to avoid financial catastrophe and address the debt limit. didn t that break the filibuster rule then there? well, you know, things do get interesting, don t they? yes, they do. just for a moment, but they did. there you go. progressive democrats also now