cia director. calling it an attempt to stifle free speech. and canceling the plan for a fancy french-style military parade in washington. you re in the situation room. (burke) abstract accident. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum why people everywhere are upgrading their water filter to zerowater.
overwhelming enemy fire during heroic rescue attempt. chris: in tonight s whatever happened to segment, president trump s military parade here in washington. it is shaping up to be something a little different than originally planned. national security correspondent jennifer griffin tells us where things stand right now. the date is set saturday, november 10th. one day before veterans day. the military parade in washington may not be what president trump had in mind when he watched french fighter jets and tanks parading down the streets in paris last summer sparking his idea to honor american s veterans. language in the defense authorization act passed in congress this week prohibits forces from taking part that may be needed for war. quote: to ensure that veterans and those currently serving remain the parade s focus and that efforts to
so it really feels important and the sign the two countries are friendly and a reciprocal move. the trump s last year had dinner in eiffel tower and now trump wants to have his own military parade in washington. certainly this is a payback spo speak so to speak in terms of hospitality. thank you, kate benefit. colin kaepernick wins an award for taking a knee during the national anthem. why it s garnering worldwide attention. with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back. neutrogena® owners always seem so happy? because they ve chosen the industry leader.
sandra: there we go. two democrats now introducing legislation to block funding for present trump s plan for military parade in washington. look at the latest battle backfire for the dems? we are going to debate it. the best simple dishes ever? great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at
chances that russia could successfully do again what it did last time would go down, but they aren t taking those steps. you see any indication at all they re doing anything? the congress is trying to including in a bipartisan way is trying to move forward on this. this is not a political issue. this is a national security issue. but because the president of the united states is setting the tone from the top, the administration itself is not taking the necessary action. jake sullivan, thanks for coming in. thanks for having me. there s breaking news. the top democrat in the house intelligence committee now calling for the panel to force the former trump campaign manager, corey lewandowski, and former chief strategist steve bannon to testify. can they be compelled to talk? the controversy over president trump s call for a major military parade here in washington. details of what critics are saying about that. mom? dad? hi! i had a very minor fender bender tonight in an u