cease-fire in the past with the main turkish group pkk and the main kurdish separatist group pkk and we saw that the attack this morning was conducted in the context of a peace rally, which was, you know, basically aimed at trying to protest the war between the state and kurdish separatists. the fact is this particular rally was taking place in a kurdish context. so that s sort of another data point to consider. all right, cnn national security analyst peter bergen, thanks, so much for coming on today and walking us through what is happening there in ankora. thank you. flexing its military muscles, north korea marks the ruling regime s 70th anniversary. all signs point to an imminent weapons test, possibly fired from a submarine the legal net tightens, new details due today
and some have left of the obama to work with clinton. and meanwhile clinton supporters are defending her and the use of a personal server during the time of secretary of state and critics say it is a serious matter. to say it is not personal is ridiculous. the fbi investigates people and not machines. she s one of the people investigated. reporter: moments ago, josh earnest said president obama s choice of biden. it is very early in the 2016 presidential promise. right now, iran is flexing the military muscles.
muscles on the heels of a ballistic missile launch. a south korean defense official tells cnn the north launched the ship-to-ship missile off the eastern coast following an underwater launch of ba liftic missile from a submarine last night. will ripley is joining us on the phone from hong kong. you just returned from north korea. it s not the first time we ve heard of north korea doing something like this. reporter: yeah north korea is investing an extraordinary amount of money in their military program, and it s really troubling when you think of the fact this is a country that has a hard time generating enough power to keep the lights on in its capital city. it has a hard time feeding its population of nearly 25 million people adequately and yet another example of the
kind of countercharges that you ve seen from moscow regarding brennan s visit and the fact that was made public comes on the heels of a number of these phone conversations that is believed the russians are making public and so forth. and it seems like you re basically seeing a kind of flexing of muscles right now as the crisis builds. speaking of flexing of muscles, military muscles, the nato, the supreme ally commander in europe, he s got some ideas what to do and based on your reporting, not necessarily completely in line with what the white house is thinking. what s going on here? well, what s going on is that there is a disagreement not only with this supreme allied commander but there are a lot of people in congress and others in the military that would like to give a more detailed set of intelligence to their ukrainian counterparts. the concern is the ukrainians could use hat to potentially launch a preemptive strike. that seems a bit farfetched. also the ukrainian military,
fox and friends it is tax time. we have the top secrets to help avoid an audit. some items are cheaper if you buy them in march. and we have hedge hogs in the studio. i m so jealous. have a great weekend everybody. good morning. fox news alert. it is being called a russian invasion. russian marines have surrounded a key military airport why quote unknown armed men are patrolling an airport nearby. there is a lot to talk about. i am bill hemmer live here in america s newsroom. and i am martha maccallum. so the chaos in ukraine could be about to explode. russia is flexing their military muscles conducting drills up and down and now the ousted president is in the middle of