• The Spanish Ministry of Defence and Thales have signed a framework of agreement for the supply of a Formal Messaging solution.
• The Thales solution is based on Thales XOmail, an efficient and fully secure communication system, in order to provide a secure information exchange service.
• XOmail is already used at the strategic level as Military Message Handling System in several NATO organizations and countries.
Madrid, 12 January 2021 - The Spanish Ministry of Defence and Thales have signed a framework agreement for a Formal Messaging project for an amount of more than four million euros. The contract includes the software licences as well as the installation, configuration and adaptation to the system’s Spanish environment.
president xi jinping. china of course is key in having sanctions be effective because of the trade and energy that flows between the two countries. latest set of measures that was voted on by the u.n. security council, the toughest set yet, still had to be watered down in order to secure the necessary support from china and russia. so the subtext to that, stephanie, is that sanctions are at their max. even nikki haley is admitting that it s going to take some time to see them through. so add into that a lot of military messaging as well. with those joint drills that were held today over the korean peninsula. the u.s., japan, south korea, flying super sonic bombers and stealth jets, using live weapons to try to increase the pressure on pyongyang. one defense official in south korea s defense ministry said that it was a very rare maneuver that they performed today in having these aircraft go quite close to the demarcation line between north and south korea. so this is all trying to ininv