gregg: let s shifted to the focus of security here at home. in particular, scott, border security. we asked people what would happen, would it be safer assignation if you cut the military budget and use some of those savings to secure the border. 48% said the nation would be safer. only 9% think those military budget cuts will make us less safe. republicans are a little more enthusiastic than democrats and democrats tend we would be safer. part of a larger question about security profile, half of us would like to pull troops out of western europe and japan. heather: speaking of the budget, president obama slated to release his budget proposal monday morning. how do they feel about the u.s. economy? the biggest thing about the u.s. economy right now is less pessimism than they feel a year ago but only 45% of americans
circumstance. the gop are similarly out of touch on the military budget cuts. in a hearing today, the republican members of the house armed services committee criticized defense secretary gates proposed budget cuts. but a majority of americans say that they would cut military spending over social security or medicare. even 42% of republicans prefer military cuts. with all this pandering to the extremists, at some point, the gop is going to destroy itself. they re rapidly losing touch with real mainstream america. now let s talk a lit bit more about that with nbc political analyst, former governor of pennsylvania, ed rendell. great pleasure to have you here. of i m former governor by seven days. that s exactly right. you don t know this, but i actually got your autograph back when i was going at school. you were at a penn basketball game. and it said good luck cenk,
years. stagnation and status quo whereas a vote from mitt romney means big change. romney is deliberately and intentionally borrowing on mr. obama s 2008 rhetoric for big big change. listen. what this requires is change. change from the course of the last four years. it requires that we put aside the small and the petty and demand the scale of change we deserve. we need real change. big change. and what romney is proposing is to balance the budget, to save medicare. he says, from obama s $716 billion worth of cuts. reform entitlements, cut taxes, spare the military budget cuts as well and all of, this he says, can be done in the next 10 years. the democrats and the vice president obama surrogates all say that that simply does not add up. listen. i have got one word for all of those claimants. you may have learned it, recently. malarky.