hell. it was not america ought to go to hell. it may go to hell because if you don t come to terms with racism, poverty, militarism, materialism, those evils are going to suck all the good stuff out of your democracy. that s in part what jeremiah was talking about. barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people. hillary can never know that. hillary ain t never been called a n r. that became for us the cruise from hell. i stayed in the cabin most of the time so that the nasty remarks, name-calling, would not be something my family had to be exposed to, but if they heard
perfecting our union and building a better america. i m not for or against him as a brother. if there s any white supremacist perception of barack, i defend him. why? because i hate white supremacy. but he s got to be accountable. and starting off in springfield, illinois is not impressive to me. hey. he called me up and he said, mr. west, i heard what you said about my speech. why did you say it? i said, i said it because i believed it. he said, i was wondering whether you would work with me. i said, i ve got one question. what is your relation to the legacy of martin luther king, jr.? how will your campaign enact the struggle against poverty, militarism, racism and materialism, those of the evils that martin luther king, jr. saw right before he was murdered? i can still sing, we shall overcome. we shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.
Award-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has shown through meticulous research that the US government was responsible for planning, preparing and executing the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines.