MILFORD – Two hot-button issues on Tuesday’s Milford town ballot, Warrant Article 3, the MACC Base system and Warrant Article 5, the Wadleigh Library HVAC/Electrical repair were rejected by voters.
Voters did approve the town operating budget on Warrant Article 6 .
The MACC Base Article 3, which proposed $2.4 million for upgrades and replacement of the emergency services dispatch center and related infrastructure was voted down, 974-1,197.
Article 5 proposed $1.29 million for the repair of the Wadleigh Library’s HVAC/electrical repair received a vote of 1,083 in favor, while 1,185 voted no. Under state law, the article required 60% affirmative vote to pass.
The town operating budget of $15,664,508, Article 6, was approved, with 1,160 yes, 998 no.