“The Holdovers" marks the long-in-coming reunion of Paul Giamatti and director Alexander Payne, 20 years after “Sideways.” And just as in “Sideways,” their alchemy produces something wry and moving. This
When Paul Giamatti made "Sideways" with director Alexander Payne, he couldn t believe it he was playing the lead. Giamatti says he hasn t experienced anything quite like the natural, ensemble feel of "Sideways." Until, that is, he reteamed with Payne for "The Holdovers."
NEW YORK (AP) When Paul Giamatti made “Sideways” with Alexander Payne, he stayed in a little house in the middle of a large vineyard. At the end of a day of shooting, he would drive home in darkness, with the California hills around him. Giamatti was then a respected character actor, but this was […]