motivated to do everything and anything you can. reporter: the death of the unarmed teen by a neighborhood watch captain has ignited a call to action around the country. the shooter, 28-year-old george zimmerman, graduated from high school in manassas before moving to florida. he has claimed self-defense and has not been charged so far with any crime. florida is one of 21 states with the so-called stand your ground law. a tragic death that has me mezmerized former prosecutor glen ivy the father of five boys. in places like maryland for example there is a duty to retreat unless you re in your house. the castle doctrine says you don t have to retreat in your house. if you re out on your street and somebody threatens you and approaches you, there is a duty to try and get away and defuse the situation that way if you can. it s crazy. reporter: at virginia state university hundreds of students rallied for justice. many faculty members and staff joined in with signs of prot