Hey, a mask makes a coward bolder, makes stupid people smarter, you dont recognize yourself without a mask, youre a flying ghost attacked by a masker. I tried, but no, well, i tried, you got kicked out anyway, it doesnt matter, but i didnt go straight to this solo project for so long, but i was rather motivated by this pandemic, i had a lot of free time, and i thought, why not do some. Those songs that were left behind. I didnt kill them; on the contrary, i suggested some of them said, why didnt they take it . Well, in general, they said that this is not hard enough for ari, this is popsola, this is this, no, this song was born during the process of working on the album, that is , i showed some songs, but they somehow didnt go well, so margarita anatolyevna decided and encouraged me to do this all the time, that is, to use you as a vocalist . No, no, no, im a singersongwriter, what kind of vocalist am i, i didnt think of this project as something global, i was thinking about recording