he didn t have to. and, but for his extension, i felt like sidney potier in his house, he didn t tell his mom i was coming over. his mom comes out with dinner. we re still friend today. mike shoutout. ainsley: wonderful. you ve been through a lot in your life. your partner was killed in 88. your brother as killed. your son had mental disorders at adult 28 years old. shot a police officer, so he was killed. five officers killed in the sniper shooting. how do you overcome that? my christian faith. i m not ashamed of the gospel of christ and his grace, his unmerited favor, helped me take another breath, another step. and be able to use those experiences to console others during the crisis on july 7th. ainsley: your son, he was bipolar. yes. ainsley: 28 years old, how did you learn of the news he was gone.