romney won by i believe 20 points. this reflects women breaking against donald trump. white women in particular, college educated by a huge margin. if he would find the discipline to stop talking about the sexual assault allegations. if he would stop insulting, you know, hillary clinton in particular ways, it might have gone in a different correctidir let s say he stops that today. he stops today and says, let s be honest. a horrible thing with the recession. obama didn t do what he promised and created a huge new problem with obama care clinton will extend all of these, do not reward them. let me get in there, let me do it differently. i m the only person who can get the gop to work in congress. that s why you picked me. but, also, they re looking to cut his mike off and shove him off stage. when he goes off script is when he gets a problem.
apart from the others. when you put your mind to it, you ve got to keep slapping the wall. though nothing will prepare him for what s to come. get this mike off. i m done with this [ bleep ]. come on, [ bleep ] mike off me. by most accounts, grand rapids, 20 miles east of lake michigan, is an ideal place to live. but like all cities it has an underside. when crime occurs here or in the outlying areas, the arrested parties are likely to spend time at the kent county jail. spread your legs as far apart as you can. most of the 1,000 male and female inmates here are accused of crimes and are awaiting trial for the resolution of their cases. jail officials take strides to house inmates in a manner that will minimize any problems. how you doing? good. we evaluate everybody that comes in. their risk, their need. we have housing areas of inmates of the same type of risks, same type of needs, and that s how you keep your jail as safe as possible. some cases, however, require t
stand up and fight for average americans to put them back in charge of the government. i m the one who s taken that on. i ll do that as your next president. at that point, scott, if he d known that was going to happen, he could have dropped the mike and walked out and eaten peanuts and said, when you re ready to have a serious debate, call me. right now republican presidential candidate, governor scott walker. hey, scott. it s great to have you here. and actually, i was earlier in the debate you know, you watch our show. you ve had great performances, you ve had spotty performances. after that moment, i sat up in my chair. i said, oh my god. he s brought his a-game. this is going to be a great debate. and i m not saying this to be facetious. then after that, it s like they turned your mike off. it had to be unbelievably frustrating to start out that way and then have the carpet ripped out from under you. well, it was.
tomorrow night s debate, must-see tv, to steal a phrase, has everything, passion, star pow power. the debate stage is awesome, reagan presidential library, air force one as the backdrop, quite a contrast to debates past like this one 55 years ago when the contest took place on a dark stage. look at that. i think there was a curtain behind the oh, no, it s a brick wall. even more lovely. with me now is a man who has witnessed more than one debate, david gurgen, cnn senior analyst, and presidential adviser to nixon, ford, reagan and clinton. let s take a walk back through memory lane, why don t we? sure. please turn mr. reagan s mike off i am paying for this
the victims were still able to identify melton. they had a party that night. so he went to the party. so they can all identify him being there. and then when she seen his body build, she oh, yeah, he was tall, skinny, this and this and that. what does the victim say about you? what was your role? the victim didn t say anything about me. what did the victim say? the victim said she was raped, but she didn t say i raped her. she didn t it s like this. the victim said they didn t see anybody. what was her description? because she gave a description of the person who raped her. correct? somebody dipping in my case? i think we re done here. put me in my room. somebody dipping in my case. i m done. come get this mike off. i m done with this [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] off me. white people, man.