As well as those councilmembers because that meeting started at 6 00 and didnt wrap up until about 3 00 a. M. The final decision was changes in policing here in the city of berkeley were necessary, so those councilmembers voted to proceed with making those changes. Lets break this down. Last night a total of five proposals related to policing which will combine into one omnibus measure. Many which created the creation of the new department to handle trafficrelated stops and duties, an audit of police calls and response and the creation of specialized care units to handle the nonpolice trauma calls were all lumped into one. One of the more drastic proposals, was not included in that allencompassing proposal. After hours of public comment, every councilmember but one who proposed a budget cut voted yes. She said the items did not reflect what the people wanted and did not offer enough change. Take a listen to what residents had to say outside of the meeting. They wont be able to beat peo
Its the fed on a day where the fed presented the monthly heati lly meeting, surprise we heard endless chatter how the stock market is in a bubble of the feds making. After a good day, the dow gained 160 points and nasdaq fell to 1. 35 . You need to know that i think this is totally nuts yeah, right. The all powerful fed created an environment where equity is the only asset class worth owning and bonds are for suckers. Its our central bank with the illuminati and free masons im sick and tired of hearing were in a bubble that the feds over inflating the price of stocks by printing money to keep the economy moving believe it or not, there is more to the economy than the Federal Reserve and certainly more to the stock market first, im not saying the fed doesnt matter of course, its important. They could raise shortterm rates to five and that could crush the stock market that would make the bears happy. I can hear them coming on air and praising the fed for giving investors a reasonable al
Are in the eastern or central. Ime zones, 202 7488000 if youre in the mountain or pacific time zones, 202 7488001. Send us a text. 202 7488003 is that number. A very good wednesday morning. You can start calling you now as we show you part of President Trumps speech yesterday in phoenix, arizona, highlighting his administrations response to the coronavirus pandemic. [video clip] we do all of these tests and we find pockets and we find people we find cases and they say that cases have jumped instead of saying what a job we are doing with testing. We did the job with testing and we did ventilators and we came up with tests. We have 70 different types of tests. It is a lot of tests. Other countries that have done very well with testing, they call us, and they say nobody has been able to do the job you have done. The l. A. Ones who cannot say that are the Fake News Media people the only ones who cannot say that are the Fake News Media people. [booing] someday it will be recognized by histo
Take something off the table makes sense which is how you got to todays selloff with the dow dumb bli t tumbling and nasdaq tumbling the bear camp cant exist at the sametime there cannot be coexistence with the huge covid outbreak in the sun belt spiraling out of control, bear is in charge so why dont we do this . Let suspend judgment and not use terms about good or bad and take the approach of the fact spin. Awaken america trade has taken a turn for the worse some people expected that. I didnt its a disturbing spike in covid cases across alabama, north carolina, South Carolina and texas. The infection level so high the governors of new jersey, new york and connecticut have taken an unusual action and slapped a 14day quarantine on travelers from these hot spots thats amazing they have more than 35,000 new cases today which is about where these numbers peaked in april. Not good its plain bad news for everything that depends on the economy reopening which is a lot of things. The america
Schools reopened safely. There is pressure coming from the white house. That he wants schools reopened and he wants kids back in the classrooms as early as next month. The American Academy of pediatrics has recommended this, trying to get schools reopen with many safety restrictions in place because we want to make sure kids dont fall too much farther behind. The Trump Administration making that point. They also have another motivation that basically its difficult to get parents back to work and get the economy really move again when kids are not able to be in school. So that is a focal point for the administration. At that event yesterday they did not lay out any specific policies that they want to see happen or offer to provide any additional funding to help schools reopen safely and restructure. If theyre going to have to be providing masks to students in the classroom, if theyre going to have to be potentially adding more buses so that children can be spaced apart further. Those ar