IT leaders have been navigating uncertainty since the inception of the role. Focusing on this one key differentiator will prepare your organization for whatever comes its way.
thank you very much forjoining me, joshua. is neumann still toxic by association? what is their appetite for these shares? what is their appetite for these shares? , . , ., these shares? the shares are u - , 1396 these shares? the shares are up. 1396 on these shares? the shares are up. 1396 on the these shares? the shares are up, 1396 on the first these shares? the shares are up, 1396 on the first day - these shares? the shares are up, 1396 on the first day of. up, 13% on the first day of trading so so far, the data suggest the outlook is positive. the idea of the previous drama that you referenced with the past ipo, i think it is affecting wework and i think they are trying very hard to get beyond it and to make investors excited about their technology and business model. , ., ., model. does the new world of work, whatever model. does the new world of work, whatever that model. does the new world of work, whatever that might - model. does the new world of| work, whatever th