Mike Lion News Today : Breaking News, Live Updates & Top Stories | Vimarsana

CNNW CNN July 3, 2024

Are. Thank you, guys. We will get back to you. And now, to give us more perspective on what we are seeing playing out this morning is major mike lion, and good to see you, major, and so tell us where clarissa and nic and what we are hearing, and this is the sderot and ashkelon, and why these areas to take fire now . Well, through the eyes of h hamas what they want to do is to fire the artillery as close as they can to the iron dome, and they want to survive themselves, and the mobile Rocket Launchers and low tech, but if they can get as close to the border, they can create the chaos and havoc there. The but as we saw, the iron dome was able to intercept it. At the same time, every Artillery Fire, and every rocket has a returned a dress. So as soon as it goes off, they are firing off the Rocket Artillery in that direction. So, again, the hamas militants are trying to survive and fire off the barrages and scoot out of there. The fact, that look, we had thousands of rockets coming from ha

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