hi. governor, what was your favorite interview on the show? mike: i had so many i ve enjoyed. again, i can t just one, but one of the pleasant things is have neil sedaca on twice. incredible musician, but to play with someone who has been doing it for 60 years, one of many. other than playing with lynyrd skynyrd. that was a big deal for southern boy like me that started on guitar. i had 1,000. go to greg from elizabeth town, pennsylvania. hi, greg. hi, governor. i d like to know if the little rockers are going on tour? mike: if the little rockers are going on tour? we have to get invited. here is the thing. people will say do you take requests? we say we do but we re going to play anyway. we would love to go on tour. maybe someone would have us. thank you for thinking it s a good idea. i think it s great idea. maybe there will be a road show of the little rockers. thank you, audience.
figure out how to fix it but this gives you a sense of i know this gguguy. i learned how to eat again at prividon longevity center, no salt, no. sugar, fresh food. there is no secret to lose weight. no special pill. there is nothing except it s really extraordinarily hard. you can do it. mike: if it wasn t a food 100 years ago, it s not a food today. that should be a rule. get that one passed, that s a good one! mike: it will. orange is an orange, my friend. if you go what is this? and read ingredients, all those more than like four or five ingredients do you really want it? mike: it s not a food but a food product. we ll be back and talk about the journey you had. talk about comedy career, what it is to be funny. how do you deal with some of the issues you dealt with.
it like alcoholic. i haven t had sugar over a year. that taste of a cookie not even a cookie, taste of a cookie, i m gone. same with your first drink. i m real serious like that. warms like a charm. mike: i can relate to the fact a person with food addiction goes through a detox like an alcoholic would go to. go through several weeks of being completely off the things that trigger, not just appetite, trigger the feelings and all the emotions that come with that. the first three weeks going off sugar. i haven t had fast food for over a year, too. that was a little difficult. paled in comparison to sugar. it didn t sleep at all for two or three days at a time. was crabby, headaches that felt like somebody was punching me in the head. just out and out a horrible, horrible time. heart palpitations.
mini federal government. they have all the agencies. if we can do it in florida, we can do it anywhere. a way to restore trust in government, opening up the books. we re not perfect. only one person walked the ate is earth is perfect and we know. but give us the good ideas. we want to satisfy the customers, the voters. they ll give the ideas to us. they ll bring it to washington. don t just talk. too much of that. let s act. that s with a w what we re doin florida. mike: if you look at the state s budget. they educate, medicamedicate, incarcerate. if you look at medicaid, prison budget and education, eats up in arkansas it was 91% of the state budget. florida, as i recall, almost like 70% or 80%? exactly. they drive their budget. medicaid as you spoke about, that drives our budget and paralyzes our budget. one-size-fits-all model. change it around. one idea from transparency is
know? [ applause ] they looked at like oh, okay. thank you very much. that was a hearty compliment. mike: i want to tell you i really appreciate you coming on. the book is great. by the way, something the audience is going to find it out. every one of you will get a copy of the book my footprint. cool. thank you. mike: look how easy it so to make him happy! jeff, thank you so very much. great to have you here. thank you for coming on. do you know where all of your tax dollars are going? probably not. if you live in florida, you could. hey, washington, you need to see this. i hope you will. we ll be right back.