Perfect problem. So he needed a way to sort of delineate problems. If you think about the world problems, you got the ones who are salt so that we can cover the solution. And may be a problem that symbiosis already figured out. Then you have the ones that are one reason or another are so lovable. We just dont have the ways to do it. But then theres a group in the middle of solvable problems that have not yet been solved. Jim so that is what i call the perfect problem because that in fact, is the focus of what i think the leadership is. In other words we are looking for a way to solve a problem that is solvable but has not been density going to have to be doing something new and you dont get a copy it. So what happened with jack, jack dorsey and i, while i hired jack when he was 15. It was a High School Student and came into work at a company that actually still have. I dont run any of my companies but i also never sell them. At some of this one has been around for 30 years. And jack an
JFC Security, LLC, the security provider of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, inspired other communities and law enforcement while presenting its model of creating public and private partners at the National Homeland Security Conference.