26 January 2021
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) announced yesterday that it has completed all shipments of highly enriched uranium target residue material (HEU TRM) from Canada to the USA, bringing its TRM Repatriation Project to a safe and successful conclusion . The culmination of nearly a decade of work and planning removes a major nuclear liability from the Chalk River Laboratories campus, CNL said.
The Chalk River Laboratories campus, pictured in 2015 (Image: CNL)
HEU TRM is one of the by-products of Molybdenum-99, a medical isotope that was previously produced at the Chalk River Laboratories, which are located about 180 km north-west of Ottawa.
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Try refreshing your browser. Major nuclear liability removed from Chalk River Laboratories campus Back to video
Canada’s national nuclear laboratory fulfills international commitment under the U.S.-Origin Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Acceptance Program, safely removing a major nuclear liability from the Chalk River Laboratories
CHALK RIVER Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) has announced that it has safely completed all shipments of highly enriched uranium (HEU) target residue material (TRM) from Canada to United States, bringing its TRM Repatriation Project to a safe and successful conclusion. The accomplishment represents the culmination of nearly a decade of hard work and planning carried out by hundreds of employees at CNL, and safely removes a major nuclear liability from the Chalk River Laboratories campus.