or not civilian, excuse me, a nonmilitary entity in the government that could take possession of the machines and audit them or seize them or look through them and so forth. the answer that they got back was no. but that is all what the committee is looking at. and they re looking at mike flynn in particular, anderson, as a key witness. now mike flynn we know was very involved in pushing this idea of seizing the machines. you played the audio of what he said on newsmax the night before that oval office meeting that interview on what he said on newsmax, as i understand it and understood it for the past 14 minutes, further what he said in that meeting. but nonetheless, he was still advocating in that meeting that the former president had the power to authorize the government to do this. and what more do you know about rudy giuliani s role in all this? he was arguably the most outspoken person in a rogue s gallery of outspoken, outlandish claims made by people. he was certainly among
it means they don t need michael flynn to testify against anybody else. they could still call him as a witness. maybe they have an agreement that comes forth that he agreed to continue cooperating with them, but i think if that was the case and they needed him to testify, they wouldn t be having him sentenced now. if you were working in trump land, how do you feel about the documents? certainly i m wondering about what s blacked out for certain. i would also add one thing about mike flynn in particular. after he originally pled, series and legitimate questions were raised. you noted that the fbi had decided he was not lying to them and later the special counsel moved ahead with the prosecution and a plea on this. part of the reason you may have an agreement to no jail time is that the prosecution may realize the department of justice as a
feel about these documents? well, certainly i m wondering about what s blacked out for certain. i would also add one thing about mike flynn in particular. i think after he originally pled, seriious and legitimate questions were raised. you noted yourself that the fbi had early on decided he wasn t lying to them and later the special counsel moved ahead with the prosecution and a plea on this. part of the reason you may have an agreement to no jail time is that the prosecution may realize the department of justice as a whole beyond just the special counsel has taken inconsistent positions on something they would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. that s unique to mike flynn in this whole area, but i don t think we should forget about it in terms of each side calculating what lies ahead for them if there is a fight versus if there is cooperation. a separate criminal
mitt romney, he is evaluating on merits and not loyalty. that would be a switch if he chose a rival or not a big supporter. what about diversity and the hard line national security team. that s the first three or four. general flynn has been the pro putin and someone thinks we should work and they said putin was a national security threat. working that out within the administration would be interesting and a team of rival
inner agency process. they are not supposed to be making policy. it s a different kind of job. they are making policy or the head of the dni, that might be a better place for them. if president-elect trump decides he is not the right fit. it has been a career military career diplomat. it never has been someone in the midst of this political fray. not as actively as rudy giuliani. vladimir putin is watching all of this. as a russian expert, what do you think he is thiing as he sees the way this cabinet is being formed and the people who are being chosen, mike flynn in particular. of course they are delighted that donald trump won and will be the next president. he has been inconsistent on a lot of foreign policies, but