with nazi germany is something brennan took great umbrage at, even calling it outrageous. harris: the conversation about the dossier came up with the vice president-elect mike fence who was also on fox news sunday. he was on fox news sunday. what he said about the leak of the dossier is called it an act of responsibility for the news organizations to put the unsubstantiated news out there. he was asked by mike flynn, making contact with the russian ambassador to the u.s. on the same day that the new sanctions were announced by the obama administration. mr. pence called the timing strictly coincidental, as for any other members of trump s inner circle making contact with the kremlin during the campaign, mr. pence said flat-out that that did not happen. of course not. why would there be any contacts between the campaign? chris, the this is all a distraction, and it s all a
we ll sman that later in the program. the white house doubling down in its support of i.c.e. calls to abollish the agency are spreading like wildfire throughout the left. mike fence became the latest administration official when the number 2 comes to the defense you know they re bringing the big guns to draw a line in the sand against the onslaught. listen. i stand before you today at a time when some people are actually calling for the be a oi bal is of i.c.e. let me be clear. in this white house we are with you 100%. the american people have every right to engage in peaceful protests. but these threats against i.c.e. officers and their families must stop. and they must stop now. under president donald trump, we will never abollish i.c.e. with as strong as i ve seen
with nazi germany is something brennan took great umbrage at, even calling it outrageous. harris: the conversation about the dossier came up with the vice president-elect mike fence who was also on fox news sunday. he was on fox news sunday. what he said about the leak of the dossier is called it an act of responsibility for the news organizations to put the unsubstantiated news out there. he was asked by mike flynn, making contact with the russian ambassador to the u.s. on the same day that the new sanctions were announced by the obama administration. mr. pence called the timing strictly coincidental, as for any other members of trump s inner circle making contact with the kremlin during the campaign, mr. pence said flat-out that that did not happen. of course not. why would there be any contacts between the campaign? chris, the this is all a distraction, and it s all a