FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 15, 2023 OPEIU Local 39 Madison, WI – Union workers at TruStage Financial Group, Inc (“TruStage”) have voted to accept a new labor agreement effective through March 2028. TruStage workers, represented by the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 39, reached a tentative agreement with the Company on December…
DES MOINES, Iowa — Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida has run into a surprising buzz saw in his bid to sell himself as the Republican Party’s most electable standard-bearer in 2024 — and it has more to do with President Joe Biden than it does with Donald Trump. For months, Republican voters have consumed such a steady diet of clips of Biden stumbling, over words and sandbags, that they now see the 80-year-old Democratic incumbent as so frail that he would be beatable by practically any Republican — ev
In interviews and polling, many Republican voters believe President Biden is so weak that picking the most electable candidate to beat him no longer matters.