when people say it would agree to why did you bring to washington when he became president i always said a arithmetics. so the idea that the lower the tax rates are the better everything will be is then debunked now for 40 years that s both in positive terms when i was president and an - terms by quadrupling the debt once and then again. so i mean how many times we have to see this moving forward before we know what in this? on the other hand, could you have taxes that are too high or too stupid? absolutely. so what i think we have to do is to say that would it be good if the federal revenues were somewhere between 20 to 22% no more of robust growth rates and maybe someday they would be lower again like they were when i was president? yeah. they probably can t get as low as they work until after the baby boomers. some of this is demographic. and keep in mind, the grand children of the baby boomers are more numerous than their parents, so we will have a demographic relief from