Locals near Sleepy Hollow Farm are fed up with the hordes of tourists who visit the area each fall to shoot photos and videos of the rolling hills and colorful.
Locals near Sleepy Hollow Farm are fed up with the hordes of tourists who visit the area each fall to shoot photos and videos of the rolling hills and colorful.
Locals near Sleepy Hollow Farm are fed up with the hordes of tourists who visit the area each fall to shoot photos and videos of the rolling hills and colorful.
Mike Doten, a farmer from Pomfret Vermont, regarding the recent decision by the town’s selectboard to block one of New England’s most idyllic roads to anyone except residents for three weeks at the height of the foliage season, from Sept. 23 to Oct. 15. Doten and other residents of Pomfret were fed up with the hundreds of cars clogging the road, often parking haphazardly, when foliage season was underway. Tour buses would also park on the road, spilling out passengers with cameras and cellphones at the ready. Social media has made the situation worse, according to residents.