Kids turned out in big numbers Saturday for Belleview Park’s annual Easter Egg hunt. Steubenville’s Parks and Recreation Board partnered with First Westmins
STEUBENVILLE Efts Lane residents will tell you the drive home got a lot easier a couple years ago when the city paved their road.
“That street was a disaster for so many years,” one said. “It was no one’s fault, it was an unclaimed street riddled with potholes and dug up areas because every time the water or sewer line broke, they’d dig it up and re-patch it.
“Going from a street that was unclaimed to a street that gets improved, it’s made a tremendous difference.”
In addition to Effs Lane, council has paved three other unimproved streets Etta, Starkdale and Dresden and plans to do Canterbury Boulevard next, all of it paid for with 0.7 percent income tax revenue.
TIGHT SPACE â Motorists travel along a tight portion of Lovers Lane near Sunset Boulevard in Steubenville, Sunday. The Lovers Lane upgrade project is heading into Phase 3 as city officials move ahead with widening the lanes along a stretch of the road from Princeton Avenue to the roundabout at Fort Steuben Drive. Michael D. McElwain
STEUBENVILLE The Lovers Lane upgrade is moving into Phase 3, with city officials preparing for right-of-way acquisition along a .35-mile stretch of roadway from Princeton Avenue to Fort Steuben Drive.
City Engineer Mike Dolak said they’re also seeking public input on the project, which will involve widening the lanes to 12 feet, installing new sidewalks, curb, and curb ramps as well as storm sewer improvements on portions of East Carlton Road and Teresa Drive as well and Lovers Lane.