Muako Maepe is a teen author who normally lives in Jozi with his own mother, Khanyisa Malabi. Khanyisa has also written one of my favourite South African food books,
Legacy of Living and Sparkles of Taste, from which I’ve learned to execute some exciting African fine dining recipes, including a favourite braised goat’s neck dish with pumpkin dombolo. It’s the reason I’m always trying to find goat meat. But this is about the book by her son, Muako.
We are hoping he can spend some time online with us, on screen or at least on the phone, with the not-quite-teens in Jozi this afternoon.
May 2, 1872: The Herald and Tribune reported news of area schools. From Martins Creek, readers learned, “This School closes on the 3rd of May. Rev. Mr. Scott and our