Olympus Partners announced it paid $675 million to acquire Texas-based Excel Fitness, a large Planet Fitness franchisee with more than 90 locations and 750,000 members, from Altamont Capital Partners. Olympus
Aggressively prospect and build relationships to thrive in 2021.
Hustle with purpose. If anything, that sums up the approach promo sales professionals must take to generate success in 2021. From digging into recent sales numbers to uncovering hidden opportunities to stepping up intelligent, focused prospecting, distributors are going to need to put themselves out there with renewed vigor. Trust us – the effort will pay off.
Forecast Strategically
Dive deep into customer sales reports from the last 12 months with a mind for trend spotting and projecting what each client might spend in 2021. “Going through the annual forecasting exercise, we often spot trends with certain customers or industries, which gives us motivation and something to build a plan around for the new year,” says Joseph Sommer, president of New York City-based distributor Whitestone Branding (asi/359741). He adds: “Because of the rapid change last year, you probably had customers who you never expected