Do you see it? It’s all around you. It’s here, there and everywhere. It’s shouting in the news. It’s screaming in the movies. Politics is polarized because of it. Corruption
– This week, Must! Charities announced its new 2022 executive board. The newly elected board welcomes back five veterans and introduces four new board members:
where are we right now as far as you re concerned? have the end times, end days started? yes, i think we re in the early stages of that story coming to a crescendo. jesus is coming back to the earth. and he s coming back to the earth to establish his kingdom on the earth. since 1999, 24 hours a day, there s been a nonstop prayer service here. mike bickel, the founder of ihop, told us it s focused on around the clock music of prayer. sounds a little bit odd. it is odd. it is. i tell people when they ask me what do i do, i go it s really strange. but it s really exciting. his ministry now boasts over 2,000 members and counting. when i was about 13, i actually found ihop on the internet and i met him and we ve