The Zero Carbon Forum has accused review specialist Which? of failing to recognise many initiatives hospitality businesses have implemented in their journey to reach net zero in its sustainable restaurant report.
The biggest gains will be made by adding insulation and switching to low-carbon heating, as these investments will have the largest impact on fossil-fuel demand (74% of UK homes are heated with gas). But energy efficiency is a no-brainer climate solution. Improving it not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also energy bills. Residential electricity consumption fell by 12% between 2008 and 2018, even as the UK population grew, thanks to improvements in lighting and appliances
Humanity is on the verge of triggering at least five major tipping points which could see the collapse of ice sheets, ecosystems and food production, according to a new report.
Sipping biodynamic wines, hopping on new sleeper trains, improving habitats and planting trees are among our picks of breaks that will leave a positive imprint