Frontier High School in Hamburg has two teams competing in NASA Hunch competitions that empower students to create projects to be used by astronauts in space
Special to the OBSERVER
Above are London, Amelia, Madeleine and Oscar Sexton. At top, in front row is Brooklyn Cross; back row, Sara Ras, Mikayla Cross Sophia Bell. Above are London, Amelia, Madeleine and Oscar Sexton.
CIAO and community members went beyond expectations! Along with monetary donations, two truckloads of nonperishable food and goodies were collected and donated to Willow Mission on Dec. 12. The drop off area in Silver Creek was manned by Lynda Mosher and her helping elves, Brooklyn and Mikayla Cross, Sara Ras, and Sophia Bell. Contactless donations were collected also in Fredonia on Carol Avenue by Nance Ortolano.