Mika Singh's reality show Swayamvar - Mika Di Vohti will be replacing Tera Mera Saath Rahe. The launch date of Mika Singh's show is out and we can't keep calm. | Tellychakkar.com
After Rakhi Sawant, Mallika Sherawat, Ratan Raajputh and Rahul Mahajan, now Mika Singh will jump the bandwagon of having a swayamvar on national TV. The reality show is titled Mika Di Vohti, and registrations for participants have opened up. It will premiere soon on Star Bharat. The Free Press Journal caught up with the singer for an exclusive conversation.
Mika Singh is one of the most well-known singers of Bollywood. The actor has also been a part of several reality shows before and is now gearing up for one more soon. | Tellychakkar.com