The ace investor owns more than 50 stocks, the value of which is estimated to be around Rs 5,000 crore. While multibagger BSE is his largest bet where he held around 1.5% stake at the end of the December quarter, 11 of his bets have given double-digit returns in 2024 so far.
According to Mihir Vora, the underlying domestic themes to be bullish on in the longer term are manufacturing, renewables, digitization, infrastructure, urbanization, premium consumption, financialization of savings, and the rise of equity savings cult. The market is already discounting elections and the verdict seems to be a continuity of regime.
Interestingly, several public sector companies have found them in this list and these stocks have more than doubled retail investors money in the last 10 months.
Investors with higher risk appetite and longer horizon (more than one year) can invest in longer-duration funds like corporate bond funds, long-duration funds and gilt funds for maximum gain.