Priti Patel last night demanded a review into charity funding following our discovery that many groups challenging PM s flagship immigration policies are paid huge sums in grants.
boat crossings rise. france s sea minister told parliament that any negligence found by the investigation would lead to sanctions. there are people here who said this was a disaster waiting to happen, and it is not the only time desperate passengers have been passed back and forth between rescue teams in britain and france. we have heard evidence that another migrant boat calling for help from the channel experienced the same response just a few days before. we dialled 999, were talking, they said call to france, and these messages were received by a migrant helpline in dunkirk four days before the channel disaster. raphael cousin who took the call says a french lifeboat came to rescue them.
from the channel experienced the same response just a few days before. these messages were received by a migrant helpline in dunkirk four days before the channel disaster. raphael cousin who took the call says a french lifeboat came to rescue them. when someone is in distress, theyjust need to be saved as soon as possible. so there is no time to talk about who is going to save them and in which boat are they going to be returned? one year on from the channel disaster, investigators have yet to reach a conclusion
by the investigation would lead to sanctions. there are people here who said this was a disaster waiting to happen, and it is not the only time desperate passengers have been passed back and forth between rescue teams in britain and france. we have heard evidence that another migrant boat calling for help from the channel experienced the same response just a few days before. these messages were received by a migrant helpline in dunkirk four days before the channel disaster. raphael cousin who took the call says a french lifeboat came to rescue them. when someone is in distress, theyjust need to be saved as soon as possible. so there is no time to talk about who is going to save them and in which boat are they going