at that level to get other things done at a senate level. this is a very interesting point you are making. it s great to see you, senator. thank you for being along for breaking news as the first lady of the united states is at a migrant children facility, custody facility, if you will, where they are held in tucson, arizona. thank you. a couple things i want to bring up now. the president has arrived in mount pleasant, wisconsin. so as he makes news on the ground there, he is going to a ground-breaking for fox con, a technology company there. about jobs, jobs, jobs. as that happens and makes news and we can bring you pictures of that live, we will. bring in hugo gordon, the editorial director at the washington examiner. it s great to have you along on simultaneous events going on. the first lady dealing with a huge issue. the face of the issue she is becoming for the children and the families. we know from your reporting and others that she has the