WINDSOR, ONT. Mellissa Patrick says after 852 days of treatment, her four-year-old daughter known to many as ‘Mighty Megan’, is now cancer free. She’s gone through so much to get to this point. It’s such a long road hard road,” says Patrick. Mighty Megan received her final spinal tap earlier this week and her last oral chemotherapy Saturday, marking the one of treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. “She’s had chemo, she had oral chemo, she’s had blood transfusions, she’s had platelet transfusions, she’s had injectable chemo,” says Patrick. “I’m so excited to get her off all the medications and let her body doing what it’s supposed to do and not worry about fevers, neutropenia and blood transfusions and everything that goes along with these little ones that have to fight for their lives every day.”